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The Reign of The Abbasiah Caliphate and His Diplomacy Towards Domestic and Foreign Policy

29 Oktober 2019   23:26 Diperbarui: 29 Oktober 2019   23:40 169
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3. The collapse of the Abbasiah Daula
Because of the collapse of the Abbasid Daula:

a) Internal collapse (from within)
* The majority of the late Abbasid caliphs prioritized personal matters and neglected their duties and obligations towards the state.
* The vast territory of the Abbasid empire, while central communication with the regions is difficult.
* The stronger influence of Turkish descent, resulting in Arab and Persian groups jealous over their position.
* With the professionalization of the armed forces, the caliph's dependence on them is very high.
* Hostilities between ethnic groups and religious groups.
* Rampant corruption among royal officials.

b) External collapse (from outside)
* Crusades lasted several waves and claimed many victims.

* The invasion of the Mongol Army under the leadership of Hulagu Khan destroyed Baghdad. With the fall of the Umayyad dynasty, the existence of the Abbasid Daula was given enlightenment during the Islamic caliphate at that time, where the Abbasid Daula had previously arranged and arranged forces so rapidly and planned. And in this paper, we will describe as little as possible the establishment of the Abbasid caliphate, the period of triumph and achievements that have been achieved and what causes the collapse of the Abbasid Daula.

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