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Islam Condition and the Practice of Diplomacy in The Time of Utsman Bin Affan

29 Oktober 2019   19:24 Diperbarui: 29 Oktober 2019   19:25 114
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Utsman bin Affan bin Abi al-As bin Umayyah bin Abd al-Manaf or commonly called Ustman bin Affan was one of the friends of the apostle who was born in 576 AD and came from the Quraysh tribe. His mother was a cousin of the Prophet named Urwy bint Kuraiz bin Habib bin Abdi al-Shams bin Abd al-Manaf.

While his father is a successful and respected trader. Uthman converted to Islam at the age of 30, when he moved to Abyssinia along with other Muslims at the behest of the Prophet Muhammad, Uthman was also the first pilgrim to emigrate to Medina.

Among the rashidin khulafaur, the name of Uthman bin Affan is remembered as a person who is gentle, wise, and has a firm stand. Continuing the leadership of Umar bin Khattab, Caliph Uthman also sought to expand the area beyond the Arabian Peninsula. Umar and the Fall of the Qur'anic Verses (2-End) Umar and the Fall of the Qur'anic Verses. Umar Bin Khaththab, the Pioneer in Islamic Civilization In the 24th year of Hijri, Uthman sent an army led by Alwalid bin Aqobah.

They moved towards the countries in the north, specifically Azerbaijan and Armenia. The leaders of the two countries betrayed the agreement with the Muslims in the era of Umar bin Khattab. How scared were the inhabitants of Azerbaijan and Armenia when they heard about the arrival of the Muslim army.

That is sole because of the great strength of Muslims. in the case of the agreement, their leaders were guilty. So, the army sent by the Caliph Uthman did not do a battle. Because local residents have claimed submission.

Similar to two countries in northern Arabia, the Iskandariah people in Egypt also reject the agreement with the Muslims. Because they feel they have received support from Rome. In the 25th of Hijri, Muslim forces came to wage jihad there, so that Alexandria surrendered into Muslim territory. In the 26th year of Hijri, as many as 3,300 Muslim troops could conquer Sabur.

They were led by Uthman bin Abil Aash. A year later, the Caliph Uthman mandated Abdullah bin Sa'ad bin Abbi Abi Sarah to conquer North Africa. Ibn Sa'd was the governor of Egypt who succeeded Amr bin Ash. At that time, Muslim troops consisted of 20 thousand people. The number of opposing forces, namely from the Berbers, consists of 120 thousand people, aka six times the Muslim army.

The diplomacy that Ustman had carried out influenced the practice and principles of governance held by Ustman during his leadership. He applied the practice of democracy to safeguard the sovereignty of the state and gave freedom to democracy for anyone who had an opinion in the implementation of negotiations. In addition, he also delegated tasks in realizing the policy he made to anyone who was able to hold the mandate.

One friend, Abdullah ibn Az-Zubair, then appeared face to face with the Berber King, Jarjir. In the battle, Jarjir was crushed. After the conquest of North Africa, the Muslims targeted the liberation of Andalusia (Spain). In the 28th year of Hijri, Muslim forces led by Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan were able to conquer the island of Cyprus. The following year, Abdullah bin Amir led the army to control the territory of the Persian empire.

In the 30th year of Hijri, Tibristan could be mastered. In the 31st year of Hijri, the Dzatish-Shawari war broke out. Then, a year later, Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan, tried to attack Roman colonies. His troops also reached Constantinople.

In the same year, the army led by Ibn Aamir gained control of Marwarrauz, Thaliqon, Fariab, Jauzjan, and Thakharstan. Many historians consider the era of the Caliph Uthman as a time of victory for the Muslims. Muslims were well respected by the superpowers at the time, such as Rome, Persia, and Turkey.

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