THERE were two superpowers (superpowers) in the world when Islam was born, namely the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman) in parts of Europe and the Sasanid Empire (Persia) in parts of Asia.Â
These two superpowers compete with each other in the fight for influence in the Middle East region. Some of the stories of war between these two superpowers are enshrined in the Qur'an (Ar-Rum: 1-5).Â
In the world, as Islam emerged, it could be westernized like ants between a battle of two elephants. Islam was brought by the Prophet Muhammad (570-632 AD) in Mecca.Â
Initially, the preaching movement of the Prophet Muhammad was quite difficult, getting a lot of resistance from the Quraysh. Umar bin Khattab (583-643 AD) was a young Quraish figure who strongly opposed the teachings of the Holy Prophet. But then Umar was reunited and converted to Islam. This is the beginning of the rise of Islam. His conversion to Islam became an important part of the triumph of God's religion.Â
The Prophet Muhammad, who was often abused by the Quraysh, now has the defense of the most respected Quraish figure. After seven years accompanying the Prophet's mission to see in Mecca, Umar went with the Prophet to move to Medina. In Medina, the Prophet Muhammad received an excellent welcome and invited not only as a religious leader (Rasul) but also as a political leader, the head of the State of Medina.Â
When the Prophet died, Medina State (622-632 AD) was sent by friends known as Khulafaurrasyidin (632-661 AD). After the death of Abu Bakr, Umar was named the second Caliph. There were no checks, demonstrations, papers, coercion, to guile in the name of religion, in the process of the rise of Umar as caliph. Umar became the caliph of Abu Bakr and was translated by ahlul halli wal 'aqdi consisting of prominent friends.
+.New power.
The State of Medina developed rapidly under the leadership of Umar bin Khattab. Islam which was like an ant between two elephants suddenly became a new force calculated by Byzantium and Persia. The State of Medina was automatically guided in this battle; defend yourself, participate in battle or run over by two elephants who are fighting. Initially, the Prophet Muhammad emphasized diplomacy in the spread of religion to neighboring countries by sending letters through messengers. But, in fact, there are some who apply harshly to the messenger of the Prophet.Â
Some even killed him as did king Ghassan (around Syria, the Byzantine protection area). There was also a ruler who tore up the Prophet's letter and rebuked and expelled the bearer of the letter as did the Persian Kisra to Abdullah bin Hudhafah. These events become casus belli (incidents of war trigger) which subsequently successively involve the Islamic state with other countries, especially with Byzantium and Persia as world giants.Â
What is clear, the series of long wars were not triggered by Islam, but by other high-ranking officials who are arrogant, ego and rude in rejecting da'wah and diplomacy. The concept of Islam is that it is not allowed to commit murder (war) but if it has been killed it must demand revenge. Meanwhile, the war carried out was not to force others to convert to Islam, but purely a political war. The proof, when an area controlled by Islam, local residents were never forced to embrace Islam. They are still given the choice to convert to Islam or continue to adhere to the previous religion with the consequence of paying jizyah (tribute) and they will be protected.
The Conqueror
Persia During the Caliphate Umar bin Khattab, the expansion of the territory was very intensively carried out in various directions. A number of areas were captured by Byzantium and Persia. The Islamic territories of his time included the Arabian peninsula, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Egypt and the entire territory of Persia. As already explained, Byzantium and Persia are two super-power countries that have existed since before Islam came.Â