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May Lee
May Lee Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Just an ordinary woman who loves to write

Just an ordinary woman who loves to write



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[Novel] The Mirror [Chapter 8 (5/6)]

29 Desember 2023   19:49 Diperbarui: 29 Desember 2023   20:18 114
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Daesun, Daejoon and Doyeon are resuming their adventure. They are running fast along the dark alley. Eventually, they see lights approaching the same direction as theirs. 

"Wait. Be careful, it might be another evil guardian," said Daejoon as he slowed his pace.

Daesun and Doyeon turn off the lights on their bow and magic stuff and get ready to attack anything they will see from the alley beside them. Daesun is in the front, getting ready with his arrow, Daejoon is in the middle to light the alley while Doyeon presses his back against Daejoon to watch their back - who knows whatever is that following them from behind. Daesun carefully listens to the steps... it's not something heavy and he can guess it might be some creature with two legs... and from the steps, there might be only three of them. 

"Let's surprise them. Follow my counting... one... two... three!"

The three of them appear from the alley and point out their weapons, while the three creatures that were in Daesun's mind are actually...

"Myungwoo?" asked Doyeon, "and..."

"Gam Hyunki! I'm so happy to see all of you again!" said Hyunki, he put his sword down, "Daesun hyeong, Daejoon hyeong and..."

"Jung Doyeon, I'm the new Earth Guardian," said Doyeon, feeling relieved he doesn't need to fight anything.

"Are you guys okay?" asked Myungwoo, "well you guys don't look okay."

"And your shirt is gone, Myungwoo? Or you just want to show off?" asked Daesun while giggling.

"This is not a time to show off, even it's dangerous if I need to fight a fire element creature."

"Excuse me," said Sikyung, the only woman in their group, "so far the prophecy is correct."

"So what's next? Does anyone see a prophecy?" asked Daejoon, confused.

"Yes. Apparently, Moonhye has seen several prophecies which are all bad. The only good one is... three people should get into this hall," Sikyung pointed to the hall in front of them, "one person should die while they are fighting against each other."

"What? Die?" asked Daesun, "but why do you say it so lightly?"

"Because we have the elixir of life. Whoever that dies, we can just revive them. Then next, it means after three people get into the hall, there will be an opening on the left side of the hall so the rest three of us can pass through. We'll find the exit."

"Do you guys think someone already found another exit so if we get out from that exit, the maze will end? If we can do that quickly then that person doesn't need to die?" asked Doyeon.

"We can try. The faster we can find the exit, the better it is. So Myungwoo oppa, have you chosen who will go into the hall?"

"Why don't all of us get into the hall?" asked Doyeon.

"Then it means we need to kill 3 people. It's better if we only sacrifice one person."

"Alright. Let me think... we can't trust prophecy one hundred percent, who knows there is something awaited for the group who will go to the exit?" Myungwoo asked while thinking hard.

"That's right. This maze has a lot of tricks."

"Me, Hyunki and Daejoon will get into the hall. Daesun, Sikyung and Doyeon hyeong, you guys proceed to the exit."

"Let's do it quickly and meet again soon."

Sikyung hands the elixir of life to Myungwoo's hand.

"Stay safe, Sikyung."

"You too, oppa..."

"Doyeon hyeong, if anything happens, we are counting on you."

"Don't worry Myungwoo," said Doyeon as he pats Myungwoo's shoulder.

Doyeon, Daesun and Sikyung are waiting before Myungwoo, Daejoon and Hyunki get into the big hall. As the big hall's entrance closed, a small opening appeared right beside the hall. Daesun nodded to Doyeon and Sikyung before they ran to the opening.

The big hall is empty and the door they just used to enter the hall has been blocked - not by thick bush - but this time by wind that swirls around like a small tornado.

"Nice. They just make sure we really can't escape this time," said Daejoon as he let out a long sigh.

"So what's our plan?" asked Hyunki then turned his head to face Myungwoo.

"I will sacrifice myself. Come and kill me, just consider this is our sparing time," decided Myungwoo.

"Wouldn't it be easier to kill me? Since my level is the lowest?" asked Hyunki.

"But I can endure it better."

"Who cares about enduring it, hyeong? We just need to feel it for a while then we'll be resurrected, right?"

"That's kinda true."

"So come on stab me or what so we can escape this hall faster? I also wanna feel what it is like to... die. I ever feel dying before but I never really die. So kill me?"

"But how to make sure that we are doing this right? I mean how to make this maze understand that we are going to sacrifice you or me? Daejoon, do you have any idea?"

Daejoon is currently backing the other two men.

"Daejoon hyeong? What happened?"

Hyunki poked Daejoon's shoulder, but suddenly things happened so fast - Daejoon turns around then slays his sword - which is just a centimeter away from where Hyunki's hand was.

"Whoa whoa... calm down, hyeong, what happened to you?"

Myungwoo is preparing his axe.

"He isn't Daejoon for now. Look at his eyes."

Hyunki just found out that Daejoon's eyes are red.

"So Daejoon hyeong is our enemy for now?"

Hyunki is holding his sword with both hands.

"Daejoon won't be an easy enemy for us. But just like I said, let's consider it as our sparing time. And let's finish it up quickly."

"Alright. I'm sorry Daejoon hyeong!"

And the three of them charged forward with their weapons in their hands...

Daesun, Doyeon and Sikyung enter a small dark hall. The alley behind them got covered by a black thing that swirls around.

"Good. I think now they are making sure no one can escape or enter this area. This maze learns a lot," said Daesun as he tries to poke the black thing with his bow.

But suddenly he got sucked by the black thing as if it's a black hole. Sikyung screamed but grabbed Daesun quickly by the hem of his shirt. Doyeon, who realized things a bit too late, finally managed to grab Daesun's collar and - with the combination power with Sikyung - managed to pull Daesun. They all now sit tiredly on the ground.

"Damn, is that black hole?" asked Doyeon, "don't go closer to there."

"Oh, look at the ponds!"

Sikyung is pointing forward and they all just realized in front of them there are 4 ponds but there is something different about those ponds - they got covered by some kind of transparent bubble.

"Where is the way out? Why do we only see weird ponds here?" asked Daesun, confused.

"I know you guys are desperate for a way out. There are two things that you should do before I can show you the exit."

Suddenly there is a voice that answers Daesun. The three of them are looking at each other, feeling terrified.

"I'm the Sphinx. One of your friends has found the exit, so you all just need to find one more exit. True, it's here. But you must solve the riddle first."

"No way... I'm not good at solving riddles," said Daesun as he rolled his eyes.

"But if that's the only thing we can do to escape, then we must try hard," said Doyeon while letting out a long sigh.

"As you can see in front of you, there are four ponds. Four people out of your group now should leave the maze and exchange with three other people."

"And we must guess who should be exchanged?"

"Right. If you guess it wrong, the escape won't be revealed."

"I hate this, but let me try. So you must have the hint, right? Give it to us," demanded Sikyung.

"The first pond. The hint is right there."

There is transparent number 1 at the top of the very right pond and makes everybody staring at the pond. As they saw it again, they just realized - as the other pond got covered by a transparent bubble with no color - this number 1 pond has a slightly blue transparent colored bubble.

"Oh, the color is blue!" screamed Sikyung.

"Hint for second, third and fourth pond," as the Sphinx says, transparent number 2, 3 and 4 appears at the pond next to pond number 1 respectively, "look closely for the hint."

The three of them stand up while grumbling then move closer - Daesun to pond number 2, Doyeon to pond number 3 and Sikyung to pond number 4.

"There is nothing..." complained Daesun while squinted.

"Once the other group finished with their mission, you guys, with the correct people, could enter the pond and exchange members. The escape will open when the exchanged people appear here."

"You keep your promise, right?"

"Sphinx would never lie. Especially if you win over their tricks."

"Alright, let's work hard, guys."

Daejoon falls to the ground with a long slice along his right arm. Hyunki is staring at his sword which is covered by Daejoon's blood.

"Damn it... I hate it," cursed Hyunki.

They thought Daejoon would give up, but apparently, he raised up again. Myungwoo is raising up his axe again while letting out a long sigh. Daejoon now is holding his sword with his left arm and raising it up...

"Hyunki, run!" screamed Myungwoo.

But it's too late for Hyunki or Myungwoo to run away as a transparent wave hit them. This feeling is new, as it's the first time for Myungwoo to get hit by the wave of time control ability. He can't believe how slow he is when he is turning his head towards Hyunki. Hyunki looks like having a hard time too as he keeps widening his eyes as they exchange their gaze. I need to protect Hyunki, thought Myungwoo, we don't have healing potion left.

"Run," said Myungwoo.

But even though that word is usually so easy and quick to be said, this time Myungwoo feels he needs two times slower until that word is finished to be said. And by that time, Daejoon charged forward with his sword... It's slow, but Hyunki managed to lay back a little, so instead of successfully stabbing his sword there, Daejoon only managed to slice Hyunki's chest. As Hyunki falls to the ground, Myungwoo can see a long scratch on his chest. We will get killed if this keeps happening. Myungwoo knows the next target must be him, so using his axe, he takes on a defensive position. He is glad he did so, because his prediction is right as Daejoon charged him in the next second. Myungwoo parry Daejoon's sword with his axe. Daejoon looks quite shocked but he quickly changes his sword to Myungwoo's tummy... but before anything could happen, with a loud scream, Daejoon falls to the ground. Myungwoo can see Hyunki is behind Daejoon and he just slices his back with his sword. Myungwoo is moving his axe and he just realized that he can move normally again.

"I'm sorry, Daejoon!"

Myungwoo stabs his axe towards Daejoon's back one more time. He stabs it so hard until Daejoon's blood squirts out. Then, after a while, Daejoon isn't moving anymore. 

"Is he... is he dead?" asked Hyunki, "ugh..."

"Hyunki, how do you feel?"

Myungwoo is supporting Hyunki as Hyunki touches his chest. As he pulls his hand again, it's full of blood. Hyunki feels weak but since Myungwoo is supporting him, he doesn't fall to the ground. Now they both are sitting.

"Hyunki... I think the scar is worse..."

"It's okay hyeong... I don't think I'll die but... my health is 31... and it is dropping..."

"We should make you go out of this maze or maybe go back to our world."

"Hyeong, don't mind me... how about Daejoon hyeong? Don't we need to resurrect him?"

"Ah you're right. Wait here."

Myungwoo takes out the elixir of life from his body. He then kneels beside Daejoon and turns his body. It's so painful for him to see Daejoon's death body. It's okay, he will come back to us. He force to open Daejoon's mouth and pour the potion there.

"Daejoon... Daejoon please... please wake up..."

Myungwoo is shaking Daejoon's body lightly as the potion in the bottle is finished. Hyunki is crawling slowly then poking Daejoon's cheek.

"Hyeong... you can stop joking now. Please wake up..."

But there is no sign that Daejoon will wake up anytime soon... and in both Myungwoo and Hyunki's eyes there is a scared gaze.

"Oh I found it!" screamed Daesun and it makes Doyeon and Sikyung, who are busy analyzing their ponds, shocked.

"What? What did you find?" asked Doyeon, quickly coming closer to him.

"It's small, but look, hyeong."

Daesun is pointing to the base of the pond, and Doyeon realizes it too, there is a slight and small sign of a sword.

"This isn't just a random sword. It's a broadsword."

"This sword," said Sikyung, suddenly appeared in the middle of both men, pointing to the base of the sword which is a round shape, "it has three small vines which collide with each other like wind..."

"WE SAW THAT SWORD! IT'S HYUNKI'S, RIGHT?" Daesun screamed so loud until Doyeon stepped back then rubbed his ear.

"You're right. So that means Hyunki should use this pond, right?" Doyeon asked while rubbing his ears.

"Now let's find out about the next two ponds. But what does it mean by the first blue pond too?" asked Daesun, "and also the Sphinx said there should be three people from our world who should appear here... but where is the hint about them?"

Doyeon, who is grumbling angrily, is trying to analyze the third pond again. He thinks there might be a small icon appearing somewhere but he can find nothing. He takes his staff randomly and knocks the pond with it.

"Don't deceive me, show me your true form!"

The pond is shining brightly - it makes Daesun and Sikyung shocked too.

"What's that, hyeong?" asked Daesun.

"DID YOU SEE THAT?" Now it's Doyeon's turn to scream, "in a flash, so fast."

"What? I didn't see anything. It was too bright," said Sikyung while trying to blink her eyes several times.


"Clock... does it mean time? Then if it's time... does it mean the time control ability?" asked Sikyung.

"OH I THINK THAT MAKES SENSE!" shouted Daesun, "but... if that means the people from this maze should escape... There are two people with time control abilities here... Daejoon and Doyeon hyeong."

"Oh crap, it isn't easy," sighed Doyeon.

"But can I force this pond to reveal its hint too?" asked Sikyung, "Doyeon oppa did that."

"It's not hurt to try it," suggested Daesun.

Sikyung then aiming her arrow to the pond, "you hear me pond. I'm not that patient anymore."

But the pond stayed firm. Both Daesun and Doyeon widened their eyes as Sikyung really released the arrow. The pond then swallowing Sikyung's arrow, just like nothing happened.

"Oh, come on pond... oh, it's here!" said Daesun as he checked on the pond, "look at this under the base of the water."

They all gather around the pond to see the base of the water. There is a small sign of a pair of wings. 

"Isn't it so obvious? Hyeong, it's you! You're the only one who can fly."

"Oh right. It's obviously me. Then if it's me, the previous one must be Daejoon's. And we know the previous one belongs to Hyunki. Then the first one..."

"Blue. doesn't it mean water?"

The three of them turned around their heads and found out that Myungwoo and Daejoon are supporting Hyunki's body as they walk closer. Hyunki is all giggling but he looks pale. The one who just talked was Daejoon.

"Guys, you win! But... Hyunki, what happened to you?"

Blood keeps flowing out from the big wound of Hyunki's chest.

"It's okay, it's a souvenir from the battle. By the way I think Daejoon hyeong is right. It could mean water. Are you guys solving this riddle?"

"The Sphinx said we should exchange four people from the maze to three people from our world then the escape will appear," explained Daesun.

"Then if it's blue, and it's water, the only water element guardian with us is you, Daesun," said Myungwoo as he helps Hyunki to sit by leaning on a big rock.

"So, the first pond belongs to Daesun," said Doyeon as he pointed to the pond respectively, "Hyunki, Daejoon and me, Doyeon."

Then the four ponds shining brightly again for a second. Then the next second, only the fourth pond that looks normal but the other three shining a dim light. Again, the first pond's light is blue.

"Does it mean now we need to solve the second riddle?" asked Daesun.

"Let's assume it that way," answered Daejoon then pointing at the first pond, "it was blue and it's still blue. What if it still means water guardian?"

"Then it might mean Eunkyung eonni or Doha oppa. But we need to make sure with the other two ponds," answered Sikyung wisely.

They - except Hyunki - walk closer to the second and third pond to find the hint.

"We can find the hint of the second pond around the base... then maybe... oh yes it's here!"

Daesun is looking closely at the small icon that Sikyung pointed at.

"A shield... ah, this is the Protecting Shield's icon! Who can do this among us?"

"Only Doha hyeong can do the Protecting Shield," answered Daejoon, "so we can assume Eunkyung noona was the one who belongs to the first pond, and Doha hyeong the second pond?"

"Yes, we can conclude it like that. You guys are so smart," said Doyeon while smiling widely.

"But how about the third pond?" asked Hyunki while pointing at the third pond.

They all now gather around the third pond: they look everywhere, they poke the pond with their weapon - from soft way until the harsh way - but nothing happens. 

"Maybe," said Myungwoo, "we should do something more extreme than this."

"What's that oppa?" asked Sikyung.

"Should I just break the pond?"

"Before you break it, how about trying to... caress it?" asked Daesun, "we never really touch the pond though."

"Should I?"

Then Myungwoo put his hand on the edge of the pond. At first, nothing happens, but a while later, there is white light shining from Myungwoo's palm. Then, it only appears in Myungwoo's vision, an image of a spear.

"Everyone, I saw an image of a spear. But I have never seen anyone using this spear before."

"Oppa, are you sure you have never seen the spear before?" asked Sikyung.

"Yes, I never. I'm sure of it."

"Does it look like a spear with two blades on its top? And a red tassel near the top?"

"Oh yes yes! How do you know?"

"I've seen it! That spear belongs to Mijoo, Daejoon oppa's sister. When I arrived at the house just now, I saw she was holding that weapon while discussing it with Minseong."

"So we got the answer!" said Doyeon, "Eunkyung, Doha and Mijoo."

The pond is shining one more time.

"Let's go, we can't waste more time anymore," said Myungwoo, "let's assume we all correct and just do it now."

Daesun quickly goes to the first pond - and disappears; Hyunki - being supported by the others - disappears at the second pond; Daejoon also disappears at the third pond followed by Doyeon at the last pond.

"Sikyung, I forgot to ask you. Who did you meet before you came here?"

"Oh, the squad is as planned, but we have Mijoo and Moonhye. So there are Bonhwa oppa, Minseong, Kichul oppa, Eunkyung eonni and Doha oppa," answered Sikyung.

"How about Princess Sungmi?"

"Oh she is there, the others said she is resting at the moment."

"Then maybe she can heal Hyunki... his wound looks serious."

"Actually what happened?"

"When me and Hyunki were discussing who we should sacrifice, suddenly the maze hypnotized Daejoon. It's not easy to fight Daejoon. To be honest, Hyunki almost died. And what's bad is, when we try to resurrect Daejoon, it needs maybe around 10 minutes before he wakes up. It creeps us to death. I thought the elixir wasn't working."

"You have been through a lot, oppa," said Sikyung.

Sikyung extending her hand to rubs Myungwoo's arm carefully. It makes Myungwoo smile.

"It's okay Sikyung. I have you and the others too."

"What do you think, oppa... will we eventually win?"

"We will. As long as we still have Princess Sungmi and as long as we stick together, we will be fine."

Sikyung is smiling too and her smile makes Myungwoo feel even better.

"What will you do after all of this is finished, oppa? And do you think we will still be guardians after that?"

"Nice question. I never thought of it before. I think... I will miss being a guardian if I really are not one anymore. And... I don't know about the future. Keep on working hard like I used to be, I guess?"

"Or maybe... add something to that daily life?"

"Such as?"

"You know oppa," said Sikyung slowly and carefully, "maybe we can..."

Myungwoo and Sikyung are exchanging gaze for several seconds. Myungwoo is hoping Sikyung will continue her sentence, he hopes that she will say about what he is thinking... but that sentence just left hanging as Doha, Eunkyung and Mijoo appear on the pond. Doha looks confused while Mijoo - Myungwoo realizes her eyes look like Daejoon's - look a bit scared while following Eunkyung who always looks confident.

"So, hello Sikyung and our guardian leader. Oh, Mijoo, you must have never met our leader before. This is Kim Myungwoo."

"Hello Myungwoo oppa, I'm Do Mijoo!"

Mijoo is smiling brightly showing her eye smile.

"Welcome, Mijoo, and welcome Doha to the mirror world," said Myungwoo while shaking hands with Mijoo.

"Now what will we do? A real fight, hyeong?" asked Doha.

"Maybe not, for now. Hey Sphinx, you can show us the escape now. We made it already."

"You solved the riddle. Now as I promised, the escape will be opened."

The voice of the Sphinx is echoing in the entire maze. A second later, there is an opening in front of them. The light from outside is entering the maze slowly and it's hurting their eyes. Myungwoo is standing in front of his friends, facing the escape.

"Everyone, let's escape. And hope that this will end our maze adventure."

Myungwoo is walking slowly towards the escape while the others are following them: Doha still feels confused, Eunkyung feels confident, Mijoo looks scared and Sikyung feels relieved. Will they finally make it?

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  2. 2
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  18. 18
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