Mohon tunggu...
May Lee
May Lee Mohon Tunggu... Just an ordinary woman who loves to write

Just an ordinary woman who loves to write




[Novel] The Mirror [Chapter 8 (4/6)]

18 Desember 2023   19:15 Diperbarui: 18 Desember 2023   19:49 105
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"It's a win-win solution then," said Kichul.

"I don't really agree we use the elixir of life. Don't we need to keep it for a really urgent situation?" asked Bonhwa, "Princess Sungmi looks as if she is dying."

"Oppa, you don't think Princess Sungmi is really going to die, right? She will be okay with enough rest," answered Sikyung, "no one can beat Princess Sungmi."

"Excuse me," said Mijoo softly, "I think I agree. Princess Sungmi looks so reliable."

"Alright. Let's just decide it like that then?" said Minseong, "we shouldn't discuss for too long."

Bonhwa is letting out a long sigh again before he finally nods, "Sikyung you should go now. You can discuss with Myungwoo about the group. We should trust Moonhye's prophecy for now, since we also have no other option. Tell him to stay safe."

"I will," Sikyung nodded her head.

"Here is the elixir of life," Joochan gives the bottle containing orange liquid on Sikyung's hand.

"I'll make sure everyone is safe. We're almost at the end of this damn maze's trick. Let's finish it up."

With one last gaze, Sikyung lay on the empty sofa - which was previously occupied by Joochan - and as she sleeps, the elixir of life on her hand is also disappearing.

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