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May Lee
May Lee Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Just an ordinary woman who loves to write

Just an ordinary woman who loves to write




[Novel] The Mirror [Chapter 5 (2/3)]

2 Desember 2022   19:42 Diperbarui: 2 Desember 2022   19:45 251
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But their hope is still an empty hope. They can find nobody in the forest. It is midnight when finally Bonhwa, Minsook and Kichul find a clear space between the dark trees to build their tent. Minsook cast a spell to build the tent faster while Bonhwa already made a small bonfire.

"Minsook, come, you should eat," said Bonhwa as he prepared a noodle cup for Minsook.

The three of them sit in front of the bonfire to warm their bodies. Darcy Country is such a cold country that all of its ground is covered by snow. 

"I think I should leave now," said Kichul, "I should finish up the project I've been working on so I can come back tomorrow evening."

"I also need to sign an important document and attend meetings... see you again Minsook on the third day morning and... Kichul tomorrow evening?"

"Take care everyone!" said Minsook.

"Stay safe, Minsook," said Kichul then pats Minsook's shoulder.

In the next minute, Minsook sees two of his friends get sucked into the mirror. He smiled while putting their mirror into the backpack. He isn't sure if he should sleep or keep guarding all night long, because he will easily get attacked if he is sleeping. He is sitting under a big tree, leaning his back against the big trunk, in front of him is the bonfire made by Bonhwa's eternal fire which can keep him warm all night long, and not far from it is the tent he made. He insists on staying awake. He needs to stay awake. But his eyes are getting heavier... will he be okay? He doesn't know what happened, but he can feel his body getting trapped. He can feel cold arms around his legs and pinned him to the cold ground. But he still has his arms, right? He tries to move his arms... but more hands are holding on his arms and pinned it too. What should he do? How to get his staff if he is pinned like this? Then he used all of his might to sit. He quickly held his staff while looking around cautiously. He doesn't get pinned to the ground. There are no cold hands around his body. The bonfire is still in front of him, it's still dark around him and he is still alone.

"Maybe that's only a dream... I might fall asleep."

But how if that's not a dream, another voice inside him said clearly, how if that's a prophecy? Minsook stood up while holding his staff in front of him. Now he can hear steps behind the trees. He turned around and stepped back closer to the fire. Whatever it is, it's not only one. He can hear the sound of bush being cut open, more steps getting closer... until he can see what is that. He doesn't need to ask anyone about what they are because he sees them often in a movie: zombies. Minsook quickly scans the zombies, there are seven of them. 

"It's time to check, are the zombies actually fast or slow," said Minsook while holding his spell book, "I can eliminate them using holy spells... Oh, right. Let's just use the usual spell."

He used to fight ghosts and blood maidens, including some devils before so he remembered clearly how to cast the holy spell. He mumbles the spell then a magic goblet appears at the head of one of the zombies then golden water flowing out of the goblet to its head. The zombie groans in anger. But instead of melting (like the ghosts or blood maidens), it suddenly runs towards Minsook followed by the other zombies.

"Damn it, I just make them angry! I need stronger spells..."

Minsook quickly scans his spell book again while stepping back carefully until he is in front of the tent.

"Sanctus Clamor!" said Minsook clearly while raising up his staff.

A big trumpet appears on top of Minsook's head and there is a loud scream - not clear what words or language are used in the scream - sound from it. Minsook can see a wave of wind blowing to 5 of the zombies in the middle and blowing them a few meters away. The other two zombies are still chasing Minsook and Minsook chooses to run while occasionally turning back to cast the "holy shout" spell. The three zombies who were attacked by him before already start to chase him too, but they have been wounded in many parts of their body.

"I definitely can kill them if I use the spell several times more... Wait," suddenly Minsook halted his run, "where are the other two zombies? Are they dead?"

He cast the spell one more time as he faced the zombies again.

"Is there really a chance the two zombies died because they got bigger damage? Or... oh no, the backpack!"

Minsook should run through the zombies to get back to the tent: he just realized he left the backpack full of potions and the mirrors. If something happens to the mirrors, Minsook thought, not only me who can't get back but Bonhwa hyeong and Kichul hyeong also need to restart their journey.

"I should take the risk!" decided Minsook, "Sanctus Clamor!"

But his spell isn't as strong as before as it only makes the zombie stumble and fall.

"Is my power..."

Minsook, frozen in his spot, can't decide where to run, when suddenly someone in a black cloak swings an ax towards the zombies. For a split second, Minsook thought the person was either Myungwoo or Minseong because of the ax, but he just realized Myungwoo is too far from him and Minseong is still in the real world. But even before he can find the answer, he sees the person is holding the backpack which he keeps in the tent, on one of his shoulders. 

"Just use the usual spell. You're running out of energy," said the person, a man in the black cloak.

"Who are you?" asked Minsook, pointing his staff towards the man as the man cut off one of the zombie's necks.

"I'm on your side," he said, "ah... maybe if I do this, you will trust me."

He throws the backpack and Minsook catches it. He wears the backpack and he can feel the contents are safe. For now, Minsook thought, let me finish up the zombies first.

"Sanctus Verbum!"

Minsook cast the smaller "holy word" spell again to the zombie who was wounded the most and it quickly melted into ash. They keep working together until all of the zombies are dead. I need a lot of training, sighs Minsook as he sees the last zombie melted. 

"You're strong but you just need to replenish your energy before fighting alone," said the man, "maybe you should have one of that potion?"

"Who are you?" asked Minsook cautiously and once again pointing at him with his staff, "so you know what's inside."

"I can just tell you that I'm on your side tonight. If not, I can just crash the backpack or let the zombies crash it."

"That's right and thank you for helping me. But I can't just trust you that easily. You know I still can win over them if I persist."

"I know you can. But without my help, the zombies must have already crashed the backpack before you can retrieve it."

"What do you want? Are you one of the evil guardians?"

Minsook can't see the face under the cloak clearly, but he can see that the man is smiling.

"I know what are the two things that all of you are after."

"And what is that?"

"The magic balls and the location of Darcy Country's King and Queen are hiding."

Minsook is frozen again.

"I can tell you more about this... but I want you to do something for me."

"I wouldn't deal with an evil person like you. Now get out of my sight before one of us will be dead tonight."

He is smiling again, "if you changed your mind, you can send the darkness sign to the night sky. That sign which only can be spotted by darkness guardians and I will meet you."

"I would never do that."

"Let's see if you really won't do it or not. But," he said with a low tone, "if I know you talked with someone from your pack about me, and I'll always know about it, I'll kill the King and Queen."

Even before Minsook could say anything else, the man jumped into the darkness and disappeared. Minsook continued to walk east to the volcano while enjoying a bottle of chocolate.

"I know we can find the queen and king by ourselves. I don't need to deal with him or whatsoever," said Minsook angrily, "I'll kill him in our next encounter. Just wait for it. He should pay for trying to use me."

Still feeling tired, Sikyung awakened from her nap. She quickly glanced at the clock in her room, it's 9 in the morning, which means she just had 4 hours napping. When she got back to the real world, it was 3 in the morning. She came back alongside Minsook, which looked quite pale - he told them about his fight with zombies when they met near the volcano. Minseong and Hyunki leave after they come back, then the two of them accompany Minjoon until Bonhwa appears, around 4 in the morning. Sikyung took a taxi to get back to her place, then she took a nap without taking a bath or eating. Now when she awakens, she is starving. She still has 3 hours before her next appointment, which is to become an outdoor wedding photographer in Busan. The train will leave from Seoul at 12, she will arrive there around 3.30 and do her job for around 2 hours before she returns back to Seoul - to Myungwoo's apartment, then join the pack again.

"What a long day," she said while yawning widely.

She glances at her phone for a while but there is no message which she is waiting for. She let out a long sigh before rising up from her bed and got prepared for the appointment.

"Good! Let's take another shot there!"

Sikyung professionally keeps smiling and being cheerful while working. The view of the beach and sea in front of her are comforting her. She takes a deep breath as she leads the photoshoot session smoothly. But what makes her feel annoyed is the family of the bride and groom. Sikyung didn't expect that there would be quite a lot of people joining the photoshoot session and they are very demanding.

"Please take a picture from this side, Bitna's face is prettier on her right side," said the bride's mom for the xxx-th times.

Sikyung rolled her eyes but she just did what the mother said. They pay really high for this photoshoot, that's why Sikyung agreed to do it. And this job comes at the right time when she needs distraction. She just needs to hold on half an hour more until her job is finished. Finally, Sikyung thought, this is the last spot.

"I'll send all of the photos 3 days from now," said Sikyung as she showed the couple some of their photos in her camera.

I'll just work on it tomorrow evening in Myungwoo oppa's apartment as I'm guarding alongside Minjoon, she thought. 

"Thank you and... I'm so sorry that my eomma intervened a lot today," said the bride, her cheeks blushing red.

"It's okay, I understand."

"So are all of you having fun today?"

Sikyung is staring at Hwang Joochan, the cheerful and handsome local tour guide who follows them in this photoshoot. She admits Joochan is professional too, he can handle this noisy group professionally. She enters the seafood restaurant the couple has booked to eat dinner. Her tummy is growling again as she spent a lot of energy today. Maybe I should have a bottle of chocolate when I go there tonight, Sikyung thought. Even so, she is eating so well as she sits with Joochan at one table.

"You must be so tired," said Joochan jokingly as he sees the way Sikyung is eating.

"No, I'm just starving," replied Sikyung while laughing.

"You are a famous photographer, right? They must pay you a lot for this."

"Well, they do. That's why I agree to do this."

"Will you stay here tonight?"

"No, I should return to Seoul because I have an appointment tonight," replied Sikyung as she took another grilled squid into her bowl.

"Another job?" asked Joochan in awe, "after this long day?"

"No no..." said Sikyung, "oh wait it's not really a job but yeah I can say it's a job too."

I don't know how to describe my profession as a warrior, Sikyung thought, it's a payless job but it's more important than an ordinary job though. 

"You are so awesome," complimented Joochan as he continued to eat.

"Well while I think..."


Suddenly the calm situation turns into a nerve-wracking one. Sikyung saw a young girl enter their restaurant while holding a gun and pointed it at the bride, Kim Bitna.

"You both can't have a happy life after ruining mine," she said.

The groom stood up protecting Bitna, behind him, "no Chunhee. You know we can't force it. You know our story ended a long time ago."

Sikyung widened her eyes as she realized the girl with the gun - Chunhee, her eyes were red. She remembered Minjoon said the girl in cloak they fought last time hypnotized the ogres and their eyes were red. So this girl got hypnotized, thought Sikyung.

"Then how about both of us having a happily ever after story... in hell?" asked Chunhee, pointing the gun to the groom this time.

Some people are screaming. This is the time, decided Sikyung.

"Joochan-ssi, cover me!"

When the situation was crowded, Sikyung hid under the table as Joochan automatically stepped to the right to cover Sikyung. Chunhee shoots one time to the ceiling and makes the people scream one more time.

"We can get a lot of energy too," Chunhee is laughing.

Suddenly, transparent people appeared out of nowhere: some of them are in the form of people, but some of them are women in red dresses and long nails. People are screaming again when those transparent people flying towards them, touching their chest and pulling a white line out of their chest, then throw it towards some big mirrors around the room. Sikyung stand up at the right timing and shot her arrow to Chunhee's arm, the gun fall out of her hand. Joochan runs fast and kicks the gun away.

"I don't know how to save people, or how to win over these... ghosts," said Sikyung as she quickly counted the enemies around her: 3 ghosts and 9 blood maidens, and Chunhee, "or how to restore this place... but I'm willing to die now, as a hero."

She knows she can't bother the injured Minjoon and it will be too late to wait for Bonhwa, Daesun, Kichul or Minsook if she wants them to come here. She knows she hasn't been trained properly but she just wants to give her best, even if it's the last thing she can do. She stands on the table and shoots her arrow at the enemies, which are screaming angrily as they get wounded. One of the blood maiden avoids her arrow and using her nails, attacks Sikyung by her face and leaves a long scratch on her cheek. Sikyung screams and dodge, blood flowing out of her wound. I can't win this, Sikyung thought, I'm sorry... guardians...

"Sikyung-ssi," suddenly Sikyung feels Joochan is kneeling behind her and he touches her cheek with one palm, "arise and fight. We can do this."

As Sikyung stands up again, she can't believe the scene in front of her. Birds, a lot of kinds of birds, the birds that she knows are likely flying around the sea are now attacking the enemies. They use their claws and attack the enemies fiercely. The enemies now seem to forget their target which might be Sikyung. And she just realized that there is no more blood... no more scars on her cheek, where Joochan touched her a minute ago. Does it mean...

"Joochan-ssi? Are you...?"

"Yesterday I had a weird dream... and today I just realized I can talk with animals, so when I see you're fighting alone, I know this is the time I should do something. Are you okay now? What can we do now?"

"Fight. We should kill all of the enemies. What can you do other than your ability as zoolinguist and healer?"

Joochan walks to one of the humans who are laying on the floor and he casually grabs the bright line. The line got cut off and the human look isn't as pale as before. Sikyung widened her eyes. She never see this, but from what Myungwoo debrief her three days ago, it seems like Joochan almost have the same ability as Myungwoo as the "Omega" and Minseong as the "zoolinguist", and Sungmi as the "healer".

"What more can you do? Do you have a weapon?"

"No, I guess someone in my dream just said I can do this."

"While the birds are helping us, I'll cover you while you cut off the line. All I know is their energy is being sucked now, so we must hurry."

Sikyung is getting ready again with her bow and arrow, thanking the birds in her mind.

Myungwoo jumped high in the sky with his ax pointing down and being held by both of his hands... he hit his ax right on the basilisk's head, in between its eyes. The basilisk is shouting loudly, blood is flowing from the crack Myungwoo made. Myungwoo landed safely on the ground. They are in the middle of their exploration in the volcano, the weather is quite hot here. Fighting this giant snake isn't easy for them, but after several minutes of fighting, they finally can win.

"No one got hurt?" asked Myungwoo while looking around his pack.

"Nope. I almost got bitten though," said Hyunki, "its teeth are so sharp. Imagine if I really got bitten..."

"Don't worry, Princess Sungmi will heal you if that really happens."

Sungmi is smiling for a second before she suddenly falls on her knees and coughs blood. Minseong is the first person who runs towards her and supports her body.

"Princess! Are you okay?" asked Minseong, feeling worried.

"I... I'm okay. I just... I think my prediction is correct. Someone must know about the guardian's plan and they know that Sikyung is still weak and she is gonna be alone today. So I sent someone strong to support her. We also need to complete our pack," said Sungmi, her voice sounding so weak, "I sent her a Warrior Leader."

"Here, Princess, have this," said Hyunki as he gave her a bottle of chocolate.

"Princess... I already said you should protect your health too," said Myungwoo and he let out a long sigh.

"Myungwoo, you know I can't do that," she said as she leaned to Minseong and drank the chocolate, "it's my function. Before I have no more energy, I should awaken all of them. And if I didn't do that, Sikyung might be in danger."

"How can they know our plan? Only us were in the room last time," said Hyunki while frowning.

"During the break days later, Sikyung and Hyunki should have several training sessions. I'm glad we have the Warrior Leader, he has almost the same ability as me and Myungwoo, so he can conduct the training sessions as well."

"But where are Kichul hyeong and Sikyung noona? They should be here soon," said Minseong.

"Let's wait here and take a rest," decided Myungwoo.

A while later, Kichul and Sikyung appear from their mirror. 

"We are sorry to appear a bit late. We were waiting for Bonhwa hyeong to accompany Minjoon," reported Kichul.

"And someone is here to join us. How to bring him here, princess?" asked Sikyung.

"Is he the warrior leader?" Sungmi smiles, then she makes a mirror appear out of nowhere, "it's his mirror. Myungwoo, can you instruct him how to come here?"

"Alright princess."

Myungwoo comes back in 5 minutes, and the new mirror is shining as someone new appears there. He is a fine young man. He looks confused as he appears but his eyes widened as he saw Sungmi.

"Oh, it's you! You're the one who I saw in my dream!"

"That's right. That was me who gave you the power."

"So I think now I belong here, the place where all of you have power?"

"You accept things really well," Sungmi said while smiling, "Warrior Leader."

"Nice to meet all of you, I'm Hwang Joochan," Joochan smiled and bowed a bit in front of everyone, "and I'm 26 years old."

"No way hyeong, you look so young," said Minseong, "I'm..."

"THE TOP's Minseong, right? I know you! It's amazing to know that you also have power! And I know Hyunki already, we have introduced each other before we come here. And of course, I know Sikyung first," Joochan said cheerfully, "I already know Bonhwa and Minjoon too - who doesn't know them though. So the three of you are..."

"He is Kim Myungwoo. Both of us work in Bonhwa hyeong's company. But I'm just an ordinary staff," said Hyunki while giggling, "Myungwoo hyeong is Minseong's hyeong."

"I can see that both of them are handsome."

"And she is our princess, Sungmi. She is the one who gives us power and unites us," said Sikyung while standing beside Sungmi.

"Now please order me, what should I do? I wanna be useful too."

Myungwoo and Sungmi are looking at each other while smiling. Their Warrior Leader is so excited, it makes their heart warm.

Kichul and Hyunki just awaken. Bonhwa is the first person who realizes it and he quickly steps closer to them.

"Any updates, Kichul, Hyunki?" asked him.

Kichul looks around and the fresh Bonhwa, Daesun, Minsook and Minjoon are all looking at him and Hyunki. Kichul shaking his head.

"No. There is still no information or anything that can lead us to the king and queen. Princess really wants to find them by today. If not, she insisted on continuing the journey without us, until at least she can find them."

"Because she said the king and queen might be in danger if she needs to wait for us to come back on our next journey in the next three days," added Hyunki.

"Let's go find the king and queen today," said Daesun.

Kichul, Minjoon and Hyunki are waiting until Bonhwa, Daesun and Minsook sleep and go to the mirror world while standing up.

"So, I'll take my leave now. I should rush to my schedule," said Kichul.

"Hyeong, can I join you in the car?" asked Hyunki.

"Sure, I can drop you off."

"I'm sorry to leave you alone, Minjoon."

"No, it's okay. I'm far better than yesterday. I can even use my teleportation already if I really need it," said Minjoon while smiling.

"Just keep your energy well. Here, drink this," said Kichul while giving a bottle of chocolate to Minjoon.

This is the first time, Minjoon thought, I'm alone. He looked around at the sleeping bodies of his friend. He feels sad he can't join their first pack of journey but with him recovering well everyday, he might join the next pack of the journey. 

"So are you sure he is alone now?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I've heard everything and keep in mind every word that they say. I'm sure he is alone now."

It's rather dark and cold in this castle like usual. A big part of this castle is just a ruin. It hasn't been fully restored since the Darkness Lord was captured. Well, who cares about the aesthetic sides of this place. They don't really live here anyway. Only the General stays here, almost all of the time. A man and a woman in black cloak standing quite far from each other, talking in a low and cautious tone.

"An injured Air Guardian. He won't be a big problem for me. And he is guarding the vulnerable bodies of the others? Such a stupid decision. I'll take my leave then."

"Where are you going?"

The woman halted her steps as another man walked in between both of them. This man, different from the other two, is wearing a white cloak. His face is handsome and his beautiful eyes are sparkling, but he doesn't smile, he has a poker face. 

"He said the Air Guardian is alone, that Air Guardian who is injured by our maknae."

"So are you going to fight him?"


"Take some Imps with you. They are not too useful but that would break his focus and waste his energy."

"But I can do it alone without those unuseful creatures," said the woman, feeling disappointed.

"I'm still the General here. And for your information, I don't think this Air Guardian is as stupid as what we think of, even though he was wounded by our maknae. The princess won't let an untrained guardian do a hard task," said the man in white cloak, "I sense she has more tricks to do."

"But I..." she almost argued again, but she just let out a long sigh, "alright."

She jumps into the darkness.

"So who is it," asked the man in white cloak, "attacking a warrior carelessly and without a backup plan."

"That's me. Well, not literally me. I just sent some ghosts and blood maidens to test her. And we could gain a lot of energy if that Warrior Leader didn't appear."

Another girl in black cloak just joined them in between the ruins. She has a totally opposite aura with the man in white cloak. When she walks, the aura from her makes everything go silent... everything becomes quiet... there is a terror, even by her presence. But her voice sounds the same expressionless as the man's.

"Why did you move without my consent?"

"I'm just testing that warrior girl. Why do you sound uneasy? Wait, is it true?"

"About what?"

"That she is your human girlfriend?"

"Who told you that?"

"Just answer me. Is that true?"

The white cloak man stayed silent. Both of them are exchanging cold glances. Finally the girl is smiling, but not the type of happy smile, it's a smile full of mockery.

"So it's true. But I heard both of you had broken up? So it doesn't matter if I kill her, right? What a plot twist. Your ex is a warrior. I admit that the princess hasn't lost her touch, even though she is dying."

"Noona, do you think the princess knows about us?" asked black cloaked young man.

"She might have a prediction. Because she is smart, she has managed to live until now."

"Next time, don't ever dare to do anything without my consent."

"Are you angry because I tried to kill her? Interesting. You're still in love with her."

"Stop mocking me."

"You both don't belong together. Especially because she is a warrior now. Except you can use her, you shouldn't feel weak for her."

"Stop telling me what to do. But I warn you not to attack again."

"I sense fear. I can see that she is still important to you. This is getting interesting."

"I'm still the General. You should obey me."

"I will only obey the Darkness Lord."

"While he hasn't awakened, I'm the person that you should obey!"

The young man in black cloak jumps away when both the woman and man point to each other with their weapon: the man with the magic wand and the woman with the trident. The young man can see both of them reek their energy: Light and Darkness. 

"No no no, please stop, hyeong, noona!"

"What's happening here?"

Another young woman in black cloak just appears. Her eyes widened as she saw the scene in front of her. 

"Oppa, eonni, no!"

"I warned you for the last time," the white cloak man said, "just because you're the Darkness Lord's woman, it doesn't mean you can control everything."

"I will tell the Lord when he is awakened, that your heart is being swayed, and that might happen to your loyalty too."

"How dare you to..."

"Protecting Shield!"

The young woman jumped in between the two auras while getting her body protected by the blue shield, making the connection between the auras being cut. The man and woman being dragged backward as their connection cut. The young woman falls on her knees and is quickly being held by the young man.

"What are hyeong and noona doing? We shouldn't hurt each other in times like this. The guardians and warriors are getting stronger. Instead, we must think of a strategy on how to win over them," said the young man, "and the two of you almost hurt our maknae!"

"I'm okay oppa, it's okay," the young woman said, "but please... oppa, eonni... don't fight. It's not worth fighting, really."

Then the both of them part ways: the man goes inside of the castle and the woman jumps away. The young man and woman let out a long sigh.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay. I'm much better these days."

"Let's have some healing potions. I'll accompany you."

"Sure, thank you oppa."

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Mohon tunggu...

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