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May Lee
May Lee Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Just an ordinary woman who loves to write

Just an ordinary woman who loves to write




[Novel] The Mirror [Chapter 5 (1/3)]

19 November 2022   19:25 Diperbarui: 19 November 2022   19:35 196
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"And I feel weird that we meet nothing in this castle," said Daesun, "don't they expect us to come here?"

"Let's finish checking this up quickly and meet the others soon. We should stay safe."

The dungeon is dark. Bonhwa is holding his trident which has a little fireball on the end of its tip; the ball in Minsook's staff is shining brightly like a weird bulb; the tips of Kichul's trident are also shining in white color like three weird bulbs. But their weapons shine so bright and can help them to see around nicely. The dungeon is a place for a lot of prisons. They walk close to each other in a long hallway with Bonhwa in the middle. 

"I think there is nothing here, but we need to check until the end of the hallway," said Kichul while whispering.

Even though he is whispering, they still can hear his voice echoing around the room. At that time, they hear a loud groan. They realized something was moving under the shadow in the end of the hallway.

"Looks like we have guests," said Bonhwa, "get ready guys."

Something - nope, it's not one - but three giant ogres are walking towards them. They are exactly like the ogres Bonhwa fought several days ago when he met Sikyung and Hyunki for the first time as warriors. 

"What is that?" asked Minsook, moving his staff towards the ogres so he could see clearly.

"Their eyes are red... they are being hypnotized. So someone must have really sent them for us. They are stupid and weak of fire. I can finish them up while two of you make them weak," debrief Bonhwa.

"What if I hypnotized them back?" asked Kichul then he chuckled.

"Good idea, hyeong, try to do that!" answered Minsook.

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  15. 15
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