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How to Cure Cancer?

4 Desember 2022   11:21 Diperbarui: 4 Desember 2022   11:30 90
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Kesehatan. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Schantalao

Cancer  is  a  non- communicable  disease  characterized  by  the  presence  of  abnormal  cells/ tissues  that  are  malignant,  grow  quickly  uncontrollably  and  can  spread  to  other  places  in  the  patient’s  body.  

Cancer  cells  are  malignant  and  can  invade  and  damage  the  function  of  these  tissues.  The  spread  (metastasis)  of  cancer  cells  can  be  through  blood  vessels  or  lymph  vessels.  

Cancer  cells  can  come  from  all  the  elements  that  make  up  an  organ,  in  the  course  of  further  growth  and  multiplication  to  form  a  tumor  mass.  Indonesia  is  ranked  8th  in  Southeast  Asia  based  on  Globocan  2020  data.  In  2020,  there  were  396,914  new  cases  of  cancer  in  Indonesia,  with 234,511  deaths  from  cancer.  Deaths  from  cancer  are  expected  to  continue  to  increase  to  more  than  13.1  million  in  2030  if  not  immediately anticipated  from  now  on.

The main  cause  of  cancer  is  a  change  (mutation)  in  the  gene  in  the  cell.  However,  the  process  is  not  always  perfect.  When  cells  divide  themselves,  there  is  a  risk  that  new  cells  from  the  division  will  contain  damaged  genes  or  too  many  copies  will  occur.  Symptoms  of  cancer  are  very  diverse.  In  fact,  sometimes  cancer  only  causes  mild  initial  symptoms,  so  sufferers  consider  these  symptoms  to  be  ordinary  health  problems.  Cancer  symptoms:
1.    Pain throughout the body
2.    Drastic weight loss
3.    Changes in skin color
4.    Unusual bleeding
5.    Fever

Without treatment, cancer cells can spread (metastasize) and impair the function of surrounding tissues. Well, now there are various ways to treat cancer, including:
1.    Chemotherapy
2.    Radiotherapy
3.    Biological therapy
4.    Hormone therapy
5.    Cancer surgery
6.    Therapy radionuclides

Lifestyle strategies to prevent cancer, there are many ways to prevent cancer:
        1.    Maintain an ideal weight
        2.    Reduce salt consumption
        3.    Reduce consumption of sugary drinks
        4.    Avoid foods that are smoked or burned.

Cancer can indeed be treated in several ways, such as surgery, chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant, to hormone therapy. With all these types of treatment, the term cured for people with cancer will be still different.

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