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Ilmu Sosbud

The Role of Teachers is Replaced in the Digital Age?

17 Oktober 2024   17:20 Diperbarui: 17 Oktober 2024   17:24 18
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The development of technology in education has brought about major changes in learning methods. From the use of online learning platforms to artificial intelligence (AI)-based applications, technology is increasingly taking a significant role in the teaching-learning process. In the midst of this transformation, a question arises that is increasingly discussed: Will the role of teachers be replaced by technology in the digital era?  While technology offers convenience and greater access to information, the role of the teacher as a teacher, guide and mentor is still very much needed for effective learning. This article will discuss how the role of teachers is not necessarily replaced by technology, but rather transformed into an integral part of education in the digital era.

Technology Supports, Not Replaces the Role of Teachers

In the digital era, technology plays an important role in improving the efficiency and accessibility of education. Various online learning platforms such as Google Classroom, Khan Academy, and Coursera offer convenience in accessing learning materials anytime and anywhere. However, even though technology is able to provide information more quickly, the role of teachers as educators remains irreplaceable. Teachers are not only the deliverers of material, but also the main drivers in shaping students' character, motivation, and critical thinking skills.

The OECD report in Teaching in Focus (2020) suggests that educational technology can improve learning effectiveness if it is well integrated by teachers. However, the report also emphasizes that teachers play an important role in guiding students to utilize technology effectively. Furthermore, a study from UNESCO (2021) asserts that while technology helps in delivering material, only teachers can teach skills such as problem-solving and critical decision-making, which require human interaction.

A clear example was seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, when distance learning became an urgent need. Data from the World Bank (2021) revealed that many students experienced a decline in academic performance due to a lack of direct interaction with teachers. In this context, the role of teachers as mentors who provide emotional support and active engagement is crucial. Teachers ensure that students not only learn passively, but also understand and apply knowledge critically.

Technology is shifting the way teachers teach, not their role

Digital technology has changed the way teachers deliver materials. Previously, teachers served as the main source of information in the learning process, but with technological advancements, the role has shifted to learning facilitator. Digital tools such as online learning platforms, educational apps and interactive software allow students to learn independently, but teachers still play an important role in guiding students to use technology effectively and productively.

A report from the Brookings Institution (2021) shows that 75% of teachers worldwide agree that technology has enriched their teaching methods by providing more variety and depth to learning materials. However, they also emphasized that teacher involvement in guiding and assisting students remains crucial. Teachers are now focusing more on developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills rather than just delivering information.

A study from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) in 2020 also revealed that technology helps improve collaboration between students and teachers, but still requires teacher guidance to maintain meaningful interactions. Technologies such as Google Classroom or Zoom allow students to easily access course materials, but teachers are still needed to direct discussions and ensure that students do not simply rely on information without critical analysis.

During the pandemic, technology has indeed become the main tool to continue the education process. However, data from UNESCO (2021) shows that the effectiveness of digital learning is highly dependent on teachers' involvement in facilitating students' learning experiences. Thus, although the way of teaching is changing, the role of the teacher as the director of learning remains at the core of quality education.

Teachers Still Needed for Social and Emotional Skills Development

Educational technology may replace the delivery of information, but only teachers can effectively teach the social and emotional skills that are so important in students' lives. Education that focuses on developing social-emotional skills (SEL) plays a key role in building character, empathy and the ability to collaborate-things that cannot be achieved through technology alone.

A report from the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) states that students who receive social-emotional education experience an 11% increase in their academic achievement. CASEL emphasizes that this emotional learning requires meaningful human interaction, which teachers can only provide through direct communication and relationship-based experiences. The study also confirmed that students who were provided with social-emotional guidance were better able to handle stress and conflict, and this is an important part of the learning process that cannot be replaced by digital platforms.

Moreover, a survey by the American Psychological Association (APA) in 2021 showed that 85% of teachers believe their involvement is critical in helping students manage their emotions during learning, especially in stressful situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic. While technology provides the means to access knowledge, only teachers can help students understand the social dynamics, ethics and values of life.

In the context of education in the digital era, technology is more of a supporting tool, while teachers remain the main actors in guiding students to understand social relationships, ethics and interpersonal skills. With direct teacher involvement, students are not only able to understand academic material, but also build important abilities that they will use in their daily lives.

Challenges Facing Teachers in the Digital Age

While technology provides many benefits in education, teachers face significant challenges in adopting and integrating technology into the teaching process. One of the biggest challenges is the need to adapt to evolving digital tools, as well as the increased administrative workload that comes with using technology. In many cases, the lack of adequate training makes it difficult for teachers to utilize technology optimally.

According to data from UNESCO (2021), around 50% of teachers worldwide face significant challenges in the use of learning technologies, especially in developing countries. The report emphasizes that the unpreparedness of digital infrastructure and lack of teacher training in utilizing technology result in a decrease in the effectiveness of digital learning. In Indonesia, for example, a survey by the Ministry of Education and Culture (2020) showed that more than 40% of teachers admitted to not receiving adequate training in the use of technological tools for online learning.

In addition, the increased administrative burden, such as managing digital platforms and reporting online learning outcomes, is also a challenge. A study from Education International (2020) shows that 60% of teachers worldwide feel that technology increases their administrative workload, reducing the time they can spend preparing learning materials or interacting with students directly.

In the face of these challenges, it is important for governments and educational institutions to provide support in the form of technology training and improved digital infrastructure, especially in areas with limited access to technology. With the right support, teachers can utilize technology more effectively without feeling overwhelmed by growing administrative demands.


In the digital era, the role of technology in education continues to evolve, but the role of the teacher remains irreplaceable. While technology allows for greater and faster access to information, the role of the teacher as a learning facilitator, social-emotional skill developer and motivator remains a key element in quality education. Technology is changing the way teachers teach, but teachers are still needed to provide guidance, empathy and personalized interactions that cannot be replaced by digital devices. However, teachers also face major challenges in adapting technology, from limited training to growing administrative burdens. Therefore, it is important for governments and educational institutions to provide better support for teachers in the face of these changes. Technology and teachers should complement, not compete, to create optimal learning experiences for students.

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