Human Cytomegalovirus --> Tanaman tembakau
Hepatitis B virus --> Tanaman tembakau, sayur selada, kentang dan pisang
Hepatitis C virus --> Tanaman tembakau
Hepatitis E virus --> Tanaman tomat, kentang
HIV AIDs virus --> Tanaman tomat, kentang,tebakau, sayuran bayam,cowpea dan N. benthamiana
Rabies virus --> Tanaman tomat, tembakau dan sayuran bayam
References : Advance in Vaccinology
(GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals Volume 4/issue 1/2010)
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3. Masaon HS, Lam DN, Arntzen CJ, et al. Expression of hepatitis B surface antigen in transgenic plants. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 1992; 89;11745- 11749