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What is Forex?

4 September 2011   07:28 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   02:15 117
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What is Forex?

Forex (short for Foreign Exchange) is the real-time buying and selling of currency. The Forex market is one of the largest around the globe. With Forex, one can trade currency and earn money through predicting what currency will climb compared to another, in a certain period of time.
The Forex market is world’s largest financial market and everyone from the age of eighteen can participate. Perhaps Forex trading sounds a bit complicated at first, but the basic is relatively easy. First of all, remember the first currency to be the ‘base currency’. This is usually the US dollar.
On the other hand, the dollar can also be the weaker currency – called ‘counter currency’, when the English pound or the euro is exchanged with the American dollar. (i.e. EUR/USD or GBP/USD)

What is Forex?

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