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Livonian Tuamotu
Livonian Tuamotu Mohon Tunggu...

El Viajero\r\n- - -\r\nLa vie est un voyage... même un chemin de mille lieux commence par un premier pas.. j'ai donc essayer de marcher..\r\n\r\nAsí es la vida !!!




August Seventeenth- The Independence (Red & White Eclogue)

24 Agustus 2011   16:49 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   02:30 63
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Politik. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Freepik

It was once an agriculture country
A plenteous harvest increase agricultural productivity
fulfill the needs of all family..
that was called sustainability..
But now we've imported rice and sugar from Vietnam and Thailand, which talk in tieng viet and thai..
and even expand sources of rice imports from Pakistan and India, which talk in urdu and hindi..
hope that imported rice or sugar, equipped with Indonesian manual book or even kawi..

We also import soybean from america, brazil and república argentina..
and from italy and china, we have cassava..
then we get tea from vietnam, china and kenya..
and although we have 'salt island' off the northeastern coast of Java..
in the infertile soil, which called island of madura..
but ironically we import salt from singapore, new zealand, india, germany, and australia..
hope we can also import the leaders, and the representatives to sits in Indonesia....

It was once produces great cattle in this industry..
with high yielding carcasses and excellent quality..
But now we've imported beef from australia and new zealand, the land of kiwi..
then our government explore to import from america and canada, after australia ban.. What an Aussie!
with the reduction of the cow, the government has already had a replacement.. yeah the society..
milking own's peoples through corruption with the dirty hands of their party..
hope the real cow back as soon as possible.. really..

Now this barnyard produces a lot of rats and moles..
with some lizards and venomous rattlesnakes..
and one rare species.. that's angry birds..

You know? we also importing chicken meat from malaysia..
though they are already importing our sipadan and ligitan in the celebes sea
and reog ponorogo traditional dance, rasa sayang sayange songs, and rendang from west sumatra..
besides that we also import some 'chicks' from china...
you can find 'them' around mangga besar and kota..
hope we can also import pray for a wise, good and charismatic leaders in this area....
Are we really independent? Or it's just a 'lie' ?

Independence Day

It's not just between red and white
these are the heroes, the leaders, the soldiers and the people's fight
for the country, the motherland and our's right
a thousands bloodshed in the battle of death
from the guerilla warfare, the negotiation, the revolution, and the never losing faith
Achieving The Independence and makes us stand up straight
As Indonesian's Pride

Red means a courage to resists the frauds, deceitfulness, immoralities, and corruptions
White means a cleanliness and purity of heart to lead above all the trials and temptations
Then with the Garuda in your heart, life and soul, this country will shine and fly high like a champions

August Seventeenth

It's not just an ordinary number
or 'some' day in your calendar...
it's about spirit of nationalism, not just in august but through september..
give the best to our country, not just in a month but through a year..
build our nation, not just yourself, but we do this together...
to make this country, a beautiful place to remember...
...not just this day but forever..

Bonne fête de l'indépendance, l'Indonésie...

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