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Dewi Haroen
Dewi Haroen Mohon Tunggu...

Psikolog Politik & Pakar Personal Branding, Penulis Buku "PERSONAL BRANDING Kunci Kesuksesan Berkiprah di Dunia Politik", Narasumber media cetak/online, Radio & TV, Pembicara Seminar & Trainer,



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My Lovely Journey to Cape Town (South Africa)

20 Agustus 2010   19:45 Diperbarui: 29 Juli 2016   23:55 379
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Hello all...I can't help my self to let you know about my lovely journey to Cape Town, South Africa on November 12-17, 2006.

First off, I'd like to tell you that my journey to Cape Town was organize by Investing Coordination Board of Indonesia (BKPM). I'm as a small business woman that have a small garment industry had been selected to attend Match Making Business Meeting there.

I've never ever imagine could go to the land of Africa soon...since I, like every Indonesian people think Africa is very far from Indonesia...and honestly I can't afford to pay traveling by my self lol. Yeah..I'm freaking happy since I heard Cape Town is the most beautiful city in South Africa.

Allright, so we had 10 people in BKPM group; they are 8 (including me) business man/woman from Jakarta, Bandung, Jogya and Bali on various type of small industries and 2 people from BKPM staff. 

We were all flying from Jakarta to Cape Town by SQ and layover in Singapore for 2 hours. It was long distance direct flight from Singapore to Cape Town ....almost total 13 hours in the plane didn't make us tired when we arrived in Cape Town.

And...the story just beginning...Cape Town now inhibited around 3 million people is a part of white European descent. Historically since the city name Kaapstaad is establish by the Dutch in 1625. The change the name of Cape Town after UK take over in 1806. 

The beauty of this city is sooooo amazing. You can see the heart of the city from the top of Table Mountain. Lucky for us...the weather was fine so we could go to the top of Table Mountain by ride cableway. I felt blown away when I looked around at the top of Table Mountain. It's sooooo awesome! we just! I'm not surprise if Table Mountain become an ikon of Cape Town.

After Table Mountain, we went to Boulder Beach, a white sandy beach which inhibited by African penguins. Lucky again...we could see more of them closely since the weather was nice. The behavior of this sea animals looked very funny and cute. They always seen with tandem partner when playing or chatting within the group.

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