Secara ilmiah dan secara garis besar jenis bebatuan
“LUMUT ACEH”(yang berasal dari daerah aceh)
Scientifically and outline types of rock
"Moss ACEH" (which comes from the region of Aceh)
sama dengan jenis bebatuan
“SUNGAI DAREH” (yang berasal dari padang/sumatera barat)
And is the same as the type of rock
"RIVER dareh" (which comes from the desert / West Sumatra)
Perbedaan tipis yang di miliki oleh kedua jenis IDOCRASE ini adalah
-Bias warna atau pantulan batu saat terkena cahaya
-Bias air atau di sebut “klep,ster,maupun giwang”
-Ukuran dari “LUMUT ACEH” selalu lebih besar dari tebal di bandingkan dengan saudara dekatnya “SUNGAI DAREH”
-Bias warna lumut aceh lebih merata dan tebal di bandingkan dengan saudara dekatnya “SUNGAI DAREH”
-Bias air atau klep,ster,maupun giwang dari LUMUT ACEH lebih tajam bandingkan dengan saudara dekatnya “SUNGAI DAREH”
Itu merupakan pandangan pribadi dan bias jadi saya keliru ungkapan dari sang komando giok aceh yang biasa di panggil dengan Kopjend Teuku Fadly
The difference between the two types IDOCRASE are
-The Size / size
-Bias Color or reflection stone when exposed to light
-Bias Water or called "valve, ster, and earrings"
-Size Of "moss ACEH" is always greater than the thickness in comparison with a close relative "dareh RIVER"
-Bias Aceh moss color more evenly and thick in comparison with the close relative "dareh RIVER"
-Bias Water or valve, ster, or studs of moss ACEH sharper compared with a close relative "dareh RIVER"
It is a personal view and bias so I mistakenly expression of the usual command in Aceh jade call with Kopjend Teuku Fadly
Sumber isi artikel :
source :
IDOCRASE LUMUT ACEH (GIOK ACEH dalam bahasa orang awam)
Batu mulia asal Aceh yang disebut Giok Aceh menjadi primadona Pecinta Batu / Gems Lover dari berbagai negara. Batu asal Serambi Mekah tersebut bahkan tidak kalah dengan batu-batu giok asal negeri Tirai Bambu, China sehingga harganya kini mampu bertahan.
Ada berbagai jenis Giok Aceh dengan karaktertistik memiliki kekerasan di atas batu rata-rata dan ada pula yang memiliki warna semakin lama semakin hijau. " Giok Aceh yang paling laris adalah jenis karakter hijau yang sama jenisnya dengan Giok China. Harga yang ditawarkan kalau di Aceh bisa mencapai Rp 4-5 juta ...
IDOCRASE moss Aceh (Aceh jade in layman's language)
Precious stones from Aceh Aceh called the star Jade Lovers Rock / Gems Lover from various countries. Stone origin Veranda of Mecca did not even lose with jade stones Bamboo Curtain country of origin, China, so the price is now able to survive.
There are different types of Jade Aceh with karaktertistik has a hardness above average rock and others have increasingly green color. "Jade Aceh's best-selling is a type of green character of the same type with the Chinese Jade. The price offered in Aceh that could reach USD 4-5 million ...
Hal ini diakui langsung oleh pemburu-pemburu batu alam asal Aceh Tengah yang kini berkiprah di Banda Aceh, bahwa batu giok asal Gayo memiliki kadar kekerasan Moh’ s yang sangat tinggi.
“ Batu giok Gayo / Aceh yang sudah di uji kekerasan di laboratorium di Jakarta memiliki kadar kekerasan mencapai 7, 3 Skala Moh’ s, ”
Batu giok yang memiliki kadar kekerasan 7, 2 Skala Moh’ s ini yakni batu giok minyak atau air tebu. diperoleh dari Lumut, Isaq Aceh Tengah. Satu bongkah batu non olahan bisa dijual dengan harga Rp4 juta.
Batu giok terbaik di Aceh Tengah memiliki kualitas nomor dua di dunia, dimana Batu Kelas I, Nilai Keras antara 8 sampai 10, Batu kelas II, Nilai Keras antara 7 samapi 8 dan Batu Kelas III yakni batu kelas ini tergolong jenis batu mulia dan batu mulia tanggung, nilai kerasnya kira-kira 7, sebagian besar terdiri dari asam kersik ( kiezelzuur) , keculai pirus ( tuquois)
Batu giok asal Gayo atau Aceh Tengah khususnya banyak dicari para pemain dan pecinta batu kelas dunia. Bahkan, batu giok asal Gayo pangsa pasarnya sudah sampai ke Singapura dan Jepang.
Jenis bebatuan giok ini, di Aceh Tengah dan Bener Meriah paling banyak terdapat di Isaq, Reket Gaib, Kala Ile, wak, Kalampu, Lumut, bergang, Digul, Serule, Angkup, Toweren, Bintang dan perbatasan Betong.
Batu alam Aceh ini juga kini menjadi incaran warga asing itu diantaranya Kecubung Wulung, Panca Warna Sulaiman, Badar Besi, Yakut, Giok dan Batu Lumut.
Perburuan batu Giok Aceh atau batu hijau di kawasan pegunungan Singgah Mata, Kecamatan Beutong, Kabupaten Nagan Raya sejak beberapa bulan terakhir dilaporkan semakin marak di wilayah pedalaman ini.
Dampak pengerukan tanah yang dilakukan pemburu batu yang disebut-sebut semi permata ini telah menyebabkan ratusan hektare lahan hutan lindung yang harusnya dilindungi negara kini telah rusak akibat galian tanah yang dilakukan pemburu batu permata tersebut menggunakan alat berat.
“ Maraknya aktivitas pemburuan batu Giok Aceh atau batu hijau di pegunungan Singgah Mata ini akibat nilai jualnya yang sangat tinggi, karena batu alam ini disebut-sebut jenis semi batu permata, ”
Jade Aceh not less great with Jade stone global origin from China. One of them is jade. Turns jade origin 'neggri between' has high levels of precious stones. It could even be synchronized with precious stones such as diamonds or high value gems.
It is recognized directly by hunters Central Aceh's natural stone origin who is now acting in Banda Aceh, that jade origin Gayo Moh hardness levels' s very high.
"Jade Gayo / Aceh are already in hardness in the laboratory in Jakarta has a hardness level reaches 7, 3 Moh Scale 's,"
Jade that has a hardness level of 7, 2 Scale Moh's is the jade oil or sugarcane juice. obtained from Lumut, Isaq Central Aceh. One non-processed rocks can be sold at a price of Rp 4 million.
Jade best in Central Aceh has a quality number two in the world, where Stone Class I, Value Hardware between 8 to 10, Stone class II, Value Hardware between 7 till 8 and Stone Class III which is classified as a class rock types of precious stones and precious stones responsibility, the value of the rigors of approximately 7, mostly consisting of grit acid (kiezelzuur), except turquoise (tuquois)
Jade origin or Central Aceh Gayo particularly sought-after players and lovers of world class rock. In fact, the origin Gayo jade market share has come to Singapore and Japan.
This type of jade stones, in Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah most numerous in Isaq, Reket invisibility, Kala Ile, wak, Kalampu, Moss, bergang, Digul, Serule, tweezers, Toweren, Stars and Betong border.
Aceh's natural stone is also now the target of foreign nationals that include Amethyst Wulung, Five Colors Solomon, Badr Iron, Yakut, Jade and Stone Lumut.
Jade stone hunts Aceh or green stone in the mountains of Eye Drop, District Beutong, Nagan Raya since the last few months was reported increasingly prevalent in these rural areas.
Impact of land dredging carried rock hunter-called semi gem has led to hundreds of hectares of protected forest land should be protected by the state which has now been damaged by excavation conducted gemstone hunter using heavy equipment.
"The rise of hunting activities in Aceh Jade stone or a green stone in the mountains Eye Drop is due to a very high resale value, because natural stone is mentioned types of semi-precious stones,"
Mengingat lahan yang dikeruk oleh pekerja dan masyarakat ini tidak beraturan dan berlokasi tidak di satu tempat. Melainkan di lokasi yang dianggap terdapat batu hijau atau Batu Giok Aceh guna dilakukan pengerukan dan diambil secara tidak beraturan.
Penggalian bebatuan di kawasan hutan lindung tersebut merupakan aktivitas ilegal alias tak berizin resmi dari Pemkab Nagan Raya. Mengingat setiap adanya aktivitas penambangan hasil alam atau pengerukan tanah melebihi di atas 10 meter maka diwajibkan untuk dilakukan pengurusan izin.
Keaslian alam dijamin
Given land dredged by the workers and the public is not uniform and is not located in one place. But in a location that is considered there is a green stone or Jade Aceh to do the dredging and taken irregularly.
Rock excavation in the protected forest area is unlicensed illegal activity alias official of Nagan Raya regency. Given any mining activity of natural products or dredging above ground exceeds 10 meters then obligated to do permit.
Natural authenticity guaranteed
Sumber :
Setelah di bahas panjang lebar Dari sejak sang pionir ataupun komando giok aceh Kopjend Teuku Fadly
mulai berjuang sampai dengan penjabaran tentang MINAT,HARGA,KWALITAS,KEINDAHAN,KEUNIKAN,DAYA TARIKNYA,
Perlu kita ketahui juga bahwa :
After having aving discussed at length since the pioneers of commando or jade Aceh Kopjend Teuku Fadly
began to struggle up to the elaboration of INTEREST, PRICE, QUALITY, BEAUTY, uniqueness, attractiveness,
We need to know also that:
Sebenarnya dengan artikel inilah penulis mau menjabarkan tentang perbedaan antara :
Kalau perbedaan antar LUMUT ACEH dengan SUNGAI DAREH sudah di jabarkan di atas maka perbedaan antar
GIOK ACEH (Nephrite Jade) dan LUMUT ACEH (Idocrase) apabila di jabarkan secara ilmiah adalah SBB :
Actually with this article the author would describe the difference between:
"Jade ACEH, moss ACEH AND RIVER dareh"
If the difference between moss ACEH with dareh RIVER already describe above, the difference between the ACEH jade (Nephrite Jade) and moss ACEH (Idocrase) when in scientifically describe is etc :
GIOK ACEH (Nephrite Jade)
Nephrite adalah berbagai kalsium dan kaya magnesium amphibole mineral actinolite (agregat yang juga membuat salah satu bentuk asbes ).
Rumus kimia untuk nephrite adalah Ca 2 ( Mg , Fe ) 5 Si 8 O 22 (O H ) 2.
Ini adalah salah satu dari dua spesies mineral yang berbeda disebut batu giok . Spesies mineral lainnya yang dikenal sebagai giok jadeite , yang merupakan berbagai piroksen . Sementara nephrite jade memiliki terutama abu-abu dan hijau (dan kadang-kadang menguningkan, cokelat atau putih), jadeite jade, yang jarang, juga dapat berisi kulit hitam, merah, pink dan violet. Nephrite jade merupakan batu hias , yang digunakan dalam ukiran , manik-manik , atau cabochon cut batu permata.
Nephrite dapat ditemukan dalam putih tembus ke bentuk kuning sangat ringan yang dikenal di Cina sebagai giok lemak daging kambing, dalam putih buram sampai coklat sangat ringan atau abu-abu yang dikenal sebagai giok tulang ayam.
serta dalam berbagai warna hijau. Kanada merupakan sumber utama modern pendek nephrite. Nephrite jade digunakan terutama di pra-1800 China serta di Selandia Baru , Pantai Pasifik dan Atlantik Pesisir Amerika Utara, Eropa Neolitikum, dan Asia tenggara…..
Nephrite is a variety of calcium and magnesium-rich amphibole mineral actinolite (aggregates which also makes one form of asbestos).
The chemical formula for nephrite is Ca 2 (Mg, Fe) 5 Si 8 O 22 (OH) 2.
It is one of two different mineral species called jade. Other mineral species known as jadeite jade, which is a variety of pyroxene. While nephrite jade has mainly gray and green (and sometimes yellows, brown or white), jadeite jade, which is rare, can also contain black, red, pink and violet. Nephrite jade is an ornamental stone, which is used in the carving, beading, or cabochon cut gemstones.
Nephrite can be found in a translucent white to very light yellow form, known in China as mutton fat jade, the opaque white to very light brown or gray, known as jade chicken bone.
as well as in a variety of green. Canada is a major source of modern short nephrite. Nephrite jade is used mainly in the pre-1800 China as well as in New Zealand, the Pacific Coast and the Atlantic coast of North America, Neolithic Europe, and Southeast Asia ... ..
LUMUT ACEH (Idocrase)
Idocrase adalah batu permata langka, biasanya ditemukan dalam nuansa hijau biru dan kadang-kadang kuning-coklat atau pastel. Batu Idocrase terdiri dari kelompok silikat mineral, yang didefinisikan secara khusus sebagai kalsium aluminium-silikat. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, nama 'idocrase' digunakan ketika mengacu pada bentuk batu permata, sementara 'Vesuvianit' lebih digunakan dalam referensi untuk bentuk kristal yang kasar. Nama 'Vesuvianit' berasal dari Mt. Vesuvius, nama gunung berapi di mana idocrase pertama kali ditemukan.
Nama 'idocrase' berasal dari kata Yunani 'eidos' dan 'krausis' yang masing-masing menerjemahkan sebagai 'bentuk' dan 'campuran'; mengacu pada kristal, yang sering menunjukkan campuran bentuk mineral lainnya. Idocrase pertama kali diidentifikasi pada tahun 1795 oleh gemologist Jerman terkenal, Abraham Gottlob Werner. Werner juga orang pertama yang menemukan chrysoberyl yang merupakan kelompok mineral lain pada batu permata yang sangat terkenal dengan sebutan mata kucing nya. Werner juga merupakan mentor dari Friedrich Mohs, pencipta 'skala kekerasan Mohs ' dan definisi skala tersebut masih digunakan hingga saat ini.
Idocrase gemstone is rare, usually found in shades of blue green and sometimes yellow-brown or pastel. Idocrase stone consists of a group of silicate minerals, which are defined specifically as a calcium aluminum silicate. In most cases, the name 'idocrase' is used when referring to the shape of gemstones, while 'Vesuvianite' is used in reference to the coarse crystalline form. The name 'Vesuvianite' comes from Mt. Vesuvius, the volcano where the name was first discovered idocrase.
The name 'idocrase' comes from the Greek word 'eidos' and 'krausis', each of which translates as 'form' and 'mix'; refers to the crystals, which often indicates a mixture of other mineral forms. Idocrase was first identified in 1795 by the famous German gemologist, Abraham Gottlob Werner. Werner was also the first to find chrysoberyl which is a group of other minerals in the gemstone that is very well known as his cat eyes. Werner is also the mentor of Friedrich Mohs, creator of 'scale of hardness Mohs' scale and definitions are still in use today.
Mengidentifikasi Idocrase
Idocrase adalah campuran kompleks logam, oksigen, hidrogen dan fluoride, yang diklasifikasikan sebagai silikat kalsium aluminium, dengan berat jenis berkisar 3,32-3,47, kurang lebih sama seperti tanzanite. Idocrase memiliki ukuran indeks bias 1,700-1,723, sedikit lebih rendah dari spinel dan garnet. Hal ini sedikit lebih lembut daripada kuarsa, peringkat 6,5 pada ukuran skala kekerasan Mohs. Kristal Idocrase terbentuk dalam struktur tetragonal. Bentuk besar yang umum dan bisa sangat sulit untuk membedakan dengan garnet grossular. Namun, garnet grossular jauh lebih sulit.
Identifying Idocrase
Idocrase is a complex mixture of metals, oxygen, hydrogen and fluoride, which is classified as a calcium aluminum silicate, with a specific gravity ranging from 3.32 to 3.47, approximately the same as tanzanite. Idocrase has a refractive index size from 1.700 to 1.723, slightly lower than the spinel and garnet. It is a little softer than quartz, ranked 6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale size. Idocrase crystals formed in the tetragonal structure. Large shapes are common and can be very difficult to distinguish with grossular garnet. However, grossular garnet is much more difficult.
Asal dan Sumber Idocrase
Idocrase or Vesuvianite found in a number of locations in the world. It is known to form in skarn (silicate gangue or waste rock) and limestone deposits through geological process of contact metamorphism. Quality of a set of the most famous gems are from Quebec, Canada and Mt. Vesuvius in Italy. Other important sources include the Ural Mountains of Russia and China, Norway, Pakistan, Sweden, Switzerland, Kenya, Tanzania and the United States (California, Arkansas, Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire). ... And it looks like they do not know that in Indonesia there are also many Idocrase.
More recent discoveries actually comes from Kenya and Tanzania are said to have found some gemstones Idocrase with transparent quality is very good for the market, albeit in very limited quantities.
California (USA) produces materials or Bacan cabochon green class, there are known as 'Californite' or by any other name 'Jade California' (probably due to a strong resemblance to jade). Even found also at the Jeffrey Mine in Quebec, Canada that produce the type Idocrase with good visual appearance, materials Idocrase yellow-green stone, as well as a variety of emerald green, violet rich in chromium and very rare.
Idocrase very popular among collectors, but less well known to traders and users jewelry. This may be due to still rare entrepreneurs who cultivate Idocrase become a major jewelry products for women as for necklaces, bracelets, pendants and other types of accessories. Likewise with Idocrase in Indonesia, most of them are still in the form of granules are embedded in male ring frame. One promising business opportunities with a wide open market if processed into a form of jewelry more attractive and classy.
Sumber google dan
Setelah penjabaran tentang asal usul distribusi dan penikmat maka sampailah kita ke tahap yang lebih lanjut yaitu tahap pengecekan KEASLIAN dari batu ini sendiri.
Dari semua jenis batuan hijau asal aceh yang oleh orang awam di sebut giok aceh dengan berbagai macam jenis dan nama seperti : -giok aceh
-bio solar
-exstra joss
-nefritjade aceh
- nephrite jade aceh
After a description of the origin and distribution of connoisseurs then we come to a more advanced stage is the stage of checking authenticity of the stone itself.
Of all kinds of green rocks origin acehnese by laymen called jade Aceh with various types and names such as: -giok Aceh
-bio solar
-exstra joss
-nefrit jade Aceh
- Nephrite jade Aceh
Mengapa Giok Aceh di cantumkan “Nephrite Jade” bukan “Aceh Jade” ?
Dan mengapa Lumut Aceh atau idocrase di cantumkan “vesuvianite” bukan aceh idocrase ?
Karena di dalam disiplin ilmu gemology hanya ada dua dua nama yang secara ilmiah di akui oleh Gemolog untuk di “sertifikasi” keaslian dan naturalnya dan nama tersebut adalah :
Why Jade Aceh included "Nephrite Jade" instead of "Aceh Jade"?
And why Moss Aceh or idocrase in state "vesuvianite" not Aceh idocrase?
Because in the disciplines of gemology only two two scientific names recognized by Gemologist for "certification" and their natural authenticity and names are:
"Nephrite jade" for a jade ACEH
“nephrite jade” untuk GIOK ACEH
“idocrase” atau “vesuvianite” untuk LUMUT ACEH
Dengan catatan selalu di cantumkan origin “ACEH INDONESIA”apabila memo dan sertifikat yang kita urus di sertai permintaan (request) mencantumkan origin dari batu (asal dari gems) di memo atau sertifikat.
Pupuklah kebanggan dan Jiwa Nasionalis kita Di Awali Dengan (request) mencantumkan origin dari batu (asal dari gems) saat mengurus memo atau sertifikat untuk GIOK ACEH maupun LUMUT ACEH koleksi kita supaya nama ACEH dan INDONESIA akan di segani GEMS lover dari luar Indonesia.
Semoga bermanfaat dan menambah wawasan kita
With a record of always listed origin "ACEH INDONESIA" memos and certificates if we take care of the accompanied the request (request) to include the origin of the stone (the origin of gems) in memo or certificate.
Cultivate pride and soul of our Nationalists In Start With (request) to include the origin of the stone (the origin of gems) while taking care of a memo or a certificate for a jade and moss ACEH ACEH our collection so that the name will be in Aceh and INDONESIA segani GEMS lover from outside Indonesia.
May be useful and add to our knowledge
sumber foto google image
untuk menyempurnakan artikel ini saya mohon petunjuk dan koreksi dari sesama teman GEMS lover.
Salam Gems Lover
(wisely chow)
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