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Ruang Kelas

Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs (Fase D): Adventure in the Forest

4 Maret 2024   11:29 Diperbarui: 7 Maret 2024   12:03 164
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

The sun rises over the dense forest, casting long shadows on the forest floor.
A group of explorers sets out on an adventure through the mysterious woods.
Birds chirp melodiously, creating a symphony of sounds in the forest.
The explorers trek through the dense undergrowth, pushing aside branches and vines.
They encounter a winding path leading deeper into the heart of the forest.
A gentle breeze rustles the leaves, adding to the sense of adventure.
The forest canopy filters the sunlight, creating dappled patterns on the forest floor.
Wildflowers bloom in vibrant colors along the forest path.
The explorers pause to admire the beauty of a crystal-clear stream.
They cross a rickety wooden bridge over a rushing river.


A family of deer grazes peacefully in a sunlit clearing.
The explorers marvel at the towering trees that seem to touch the sky.
They spot a hidden cave entrance nestled among the rocks.
The forest echoes with the calls of unseen creatures.
Moss-covered stones line the path, leading deeper into the forest.
The explorers spot a majestic waterfall cascading down into a sparkling pool.
They navigate through a maze of twisted tree roots.
The scent of pine needles fills the air as they climb higher into the mountains.
A sudden downpour sends them scrambling for shelter beneath a large tree.
They build a fire and huddle together, sharing stories of their adventures.


The forest comes alive at night with the sounds of nocturnal animals.
Owls hoot in the distance as the explorers make their camp for the night.
They fall asleep to the soothing sounds of nature all around them.
In the morning, they wake to find fresh animal tracks near their campsite.
They follow the tracks deeper into the forest, eager to discover what lies ahead.
A dense fog rolls in, obscuring their path and adding to the sense of mystery.
They come across an ancient stone ruin hidden among the trees.
Vines and ivy cover the crumbling walls, hinting at a forgotten past.
The explorers search for clues about who might have built the mysterious structure.
They uncover hidden chambers and secret passageways within the ruins.


A sudden roar startles them, and they realize they are not alone in the forest.
They come face to face with a majestic bear standing on its hind legs.
With hearts pounding, they slowly back away, careful not to provoke the creature.
The bear watches them for a moment before disappearing back into the forest.
The explorers breathe a sigh of relief and continue on their journey.
They stumble upon a hidden grove filled with ancient trees and rare plants.
The air is thick with magic and mystery in this enchanted forest.
They encounter a wise old hermit who shares tales of the forest's secrets.
He warns them of dangerous creatures lurking in the shadows.
Undeterred, the explorers press on, determined to uncover the truth.


They stumble upon a hidden cave filled with glittering crystals.
The walls of the cave sparkle with a thousand colors in the dim light.
They collect samples of the crystals to study later.
As they explore deeper into the cave, they discover a hidden chamber.
Inside the chamber, they find ancient artifacts and treasures.
Excitement courses through their veins as they realize the significance of their discovery.
They carefully document their findings, knowing they have stumbled upon something extraordinary.
Suddenly, the ground begins to shake, and they realize they have triggered a trap.
They scramble to escape as the cave begins to collapse around them.
With adrenaline coursing through their veins, they narrowly avoid disaster and emerge safely from the cave.


The explorers emerge from the cave to find themselves surrounded by towering cliffs.
They realize they have stumbled upon a hidden valley hidden from the outside world.
The valley is teeming with life, from colorful birds to exotic plants.
They marvel at the beauty of their surroundings, feeling as though they have stepped into another world.
A sudden gust of wind sends leaves swirling around them, adding to the sense of magic in the air.
They come across a series of ancient carvings etched into the rocks.
The carvings tell the story of a lost civilization that once thrived in the valley.
The explorers are captivated by the mystery of the ancient carvings.
They spend hours deciphering the symbols, trying to unlock their secrets.
As night falls, they make camp beneath the stars, feeling a deep connection to the ancient people who once inhabited the valley.

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