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Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs (Fase D); Things at Home Part 2

28 Januari 2024   20:15 Diperbarui: 18 Februari 2024   17:38 300
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24. Which kitchen tool is specifically designed for chopping and slicing ingredients?
a. Cutting board
b. Cooking utensils
c. Mixing bowls
d. Pots and pans

25. What kitchen equipment is used to brew coffee?
a. Television
b. Coffee maker
c. Blender
d. Plates

26. What items are commonly found on a dining table for eating meals?
a. Pillows, bedsheets, and blankets
b. Glasses, forks, and knives
c. Alarm clock, nightstand, and lamps
d. Toaster, pots, and pans

27. Which kitchen utensils are used for stirring and serving food?
a. Forks, knives, and spoons
b. Cooking utensils
c. Plates, glasses, and coffee maker
d. Pillows, bedsheets, and blankets

28. What bedroom accessory is used for keeping track of time and waking up in the morning?
a. Television
b. Alarm clock
c. Nightstand
d. Lamps

29. Which kitchen tool is used to slice bread and toast it?
a. Coffee maker
b. Toaster
c. Blender
d. Plates

30. What is commonly used for covering and decorating beds?
a. Pillows
b. Bedsheets
c. Blankets
d. Alarm clock

31. What kitchen item is used for cooking meals on a stovetop?
a. Cooking utensils
b. Mixing bowls
c. Pots and pans
d. Plates

32. What is typically used for drinking beverages like water or juice?
a. Forks, knives, and spoons
b. Glasses
c. Alarm clock, nightstand, and lamps
d. Coffee maker

33. What is an essential bedroom furniture piece often placed beside the bed for storage?
a. Television
b. Nightstand
c. Lamps
d. Bedsheets

34. Which kitchen item is used for blending fruits, vegetables, or ice?
a. Plates
b. Coffee maker
c. Blender
d. Toaster

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  2. 2
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