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The Effects of Fish-Based Food Consumption on Blood Pressure, Uric Acid Levels, and Blood Cholesterol in the Natuna Community

31 Juli 2024   13:15 Diperbarui: 31 Juli 2024   13:26 226
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The study evaluated the characteristics, blood pressure, uric acid, and cholesterol levels of participants aged 20 to 73, with a mean age of 43, all consuming fish at least five times per week. Most participants, 21 individuals, had optimal blood pressure, while others ranged from normal to various stages of hypertension. Uric acid assessments revealed that while most males had normal levels, a significant portion 9 males had elevated levels, and among females, a notable majority 27 females had above-normal levels, possibly linked to fish intake. Cholesterol evaluations showed that the majority 30 individuals had optimal levels, with fewer individuals in the intermediate 17 individuals and a total of 9 individuals in high cholesterol categories, indicating a correlation between high fish intake and lower cholesterol levels due to omega-3 fatty acids' cardiovascular benefits.


Willandra Fitriyanri Ghaniyya, Utami Dian Putri, Aanisah Diyaa Mustika Fitri, Tasya Nathania Br Ketaren (Student of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, International Medicine Study Program, 2021; Supervisor: Dr. Niko Azhari Hidayat, dr., Sp.BTKV, Subsp. VE (K), FIATCVS. This article was written when the authors were carrying out a community service program in Natuna Regency, Riau Islands, Indonesia.)

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