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Willandra Ghaniyya
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The Effects of Fish-Based Food Consumption on Blood Pressure, Uric Acid Levels, and Blood Cholesterol in the Natuna Community

31 Juli 2024   13:15 Diperbarui: 31 Juli 2024   13:26 226
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1.3 Significance 

  1.  Informing Dietary Recommendations:
    The findings from this study can help inform tailored dietary recommendations and guidelines for the Natuna community and other populations with similar seafood-heavy diets. This is important for optimizing their nutritional intake while mitigating any potential health risks.

  2. Targeted Preventive Measures:
    If the study identifies elevated risks of hypertension, hyperuricemia, or hypercholesterolemia associated with the Natuna's dietary patterns, it can guide the development of targeted preventive measures, such as public health education campaigns or access to medical screening and treatment.

  3. Balancing Cultural Preservation and Health:
    The Natuna's traditional diet is deeply rooted in their cultural identity and environmental context. Understanding the health impacts can help find a balance between preserving this cultural heritage and addressing any concerning health trends, ensuring the long-term wellbeing of the community.

  4. Informing Broader Nutrition Policies:
    The insights gained from this study can have broader implications for public health and nutrition policies, particularly in regions where seafood-based diets are common. The findings may help shape dietary guidelines, food assistance programs, and other initiatives to support healthy eating patterns.

  5. Advancing Nutritional Science:
    Analyzing the unique dietary patterns and health outcomes of the Natuna community can contribute to the broader understanding of the complex relationships between diet, specific nutrients, and various health indicators. This can advance nutritional science and help refine our understanding of optimal dietary practices.

  1. Methods

2.1 Study Design:

A cross-sectional study was conducted involving participants from the Natuna community as part of the "Bakti di Ujung Utara" program. The study evaluated the health impacts of regular fish consumption on blood pressure, uric acid, and cholesterol levels. Data collection took place over a designated period in 2024, utilizing health assessments and dietary surveys to understand the dietary habits and health outcomes of the participants.

2.2 Participants: 

The study included 56 participants aged between 20 until 73 years old from the Natuna regency community. Participants were selected based on their willingness to participate. The demographic profile included a mix of males and females, primarily from various occupations such as housewives (IRT), farmers, and fishermen.

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