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Ilmu Sosbud

Student Difficulties in Achieving Effective Learning English Language Effectively

4 Januari 2024   16:09 Diperbarui: 4 Januari 2024   16:49 107
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International language is something that needs to be developed today, to be able to compete at the international level. The competition at the international level is growing in terms of science and technology supported by a good and correct mastery of the introductory language. English is an important international language that connects people with the world in many aspects including education.

The reason why i choose this topic because in the process of learning English, a student must have experienced an obstacle in learning. Such obstacles can result in less than maximum student learning outcomes. It can happen to anyone, including students who study English and non-English. Hasan (2000) stated that the difficulty encountered by many learners of English as a foreign language was a lack of understanding of English pronunciation pronounced at a normal speed through listening material. On reading skills, Rahmawati (2011) argued that the problem faced for reading text understanding lies in the lack of knowledge about reading material and the ignorance of how to link ideas between sentences one with the other. Writing skills are difficult because they require complex and systematic thinking processes, but they need to be mastered by English learners. According to Rukmini (2011), in communication writing skills are also important to master. The benefits will be felt when the written language is published and read by the crowd. So the quality of writing must always be improved. For speaking skills, Megawati & Mandarani (2016) in their research found that the difficulty students often encounter when speaking English lies in the minimum of English vocabulary.

Based on the concept that has been expounded upon in the introduction section of this academic article, one can come to the conclusion that there exist numerous challenges and obstacles that students face when attempting to acquire proficiency in the English language, particularly when English is not their native tongue. This can be attributed to the fact that the English language is primarily used in specific situations and by specific individuals, rather than being an integral part of their everyday activities. Consequently, the researchers who have embarked upon this scholarly endeavor have expressed a keen interest in delving deeper into the various barriers that students encounter across the four key language skills, with a specific focus on the challenges faced by learners of English who do not receive formal instruction from English language tutors, often referred to as ESP learners. The rationale behind this inquiry is rooted in the belief that it is imperative to gather relevant and comprehensive information that can then be utilized to enhance the effectiveness of English language education for students who do not specialize in English language studies.

1. Overcoming Students' Difficulties Learning English

Lack of teaching media also affects students' interest in learning prepare their teaching media which indirectly adds to their own expenses. Nevertheless, the teacher is very happy to teach the students. It is up to the school to provide the ideal teaching environment. Another shortcoming is the absence of language laboratory facilities which are starting to disappear and a library that meets the standards. Through the community service program community service program offers solutions for students to make them interested in learning.

According to Darsiana, (2018) Factors that influence English learning to be difficult for students are for students, namely:

  • Low ability of English speaking skills because they are not used to it.
  • Some students are still reluctant and even shut up when they are asked to speak in English.
  • in English. In fact, when viewed from the mastery of vocabulary, these students
  • should already be able to speak English even though it is in a series of very simple sentences.
  • very simple sentences
  • Feeling difficulty in speaking English so that they are not able to communicate.
  • communicate.

There are several ways to overcome English learning difficulties, namely:

  • Create a comfortable and supportive environment The first thing you should fix is the learning environment.
  • is to improve the learning environment. You must create a learning environment that is really comfortable and supportive for learning English.
  • You have to create a learning environment that is really comfortable and supportive for learning English. Don't let you
  • learn in an environment that actually makes you depressed
  • Never be lazy to memorize
  • One new vocabulary means that the more vocabulary obtained the easier  tis for the learner to communicate.
  • learners to be able to communicate, therefore memorize more vocabulary
  • Familiarize yourself with English starting with daily life such as when you talk to your friends.

2. Simple Ways to Improve English

  • Reading

One effective strategy for improving one's proficiency in the English language is to engage in extensive reading of English literature. Engaging in the perusal of newspapers and magazines, particularly those that feature news and gossip about celebrities, from foreign sources can also be beneficial. Additionally, individuals with an inclination towards novels or comics can enhance their skills by immersing themselves in English fiction novels and comics. These literary materials are readily available in the form of ebooks, which can be acquired inexpensively or even for free via the internet, thus obviating the need to incur significant costs associated with purchasing English books in print. While initially challenging, it is not imperative to constantly consult a dictionary while reading. Instead, one should persist in reading until the general meaning of the content becomes comprehensible. Over time, familiarity with the sentence structure and vocabulary choices will develop. In fact, it typically takes only a few months to acclimate to this type of reading pattern.

  • Observing

Observation in this context entails the process of attentively perceiving and comprehending all aspects pertaining to the English language that are present in one's surroundings. This includes paying close attention to the English movies that one watches and actively engaging with the dialogue without frequently diverting one's gaze to the subtitles. It is important to specifically focus on elements such as pronunciation, vocabulary, and the utilization of particular phrases in diverse contexts as portrayed by the actors and actresses in the film. This form of visual observation serves to enhance one's perception and, consequently, accelerates the development of proficiency. Another effective technique involves examining the lyrics of one's preferred songs, as this not only contributes to an enjoyable experience but also aids in expanding one's vocabulary.

  • Writing

After extensive reading and careful observation, one's comprehension of the English language is bound to experience notable improvement. Nevertheless, this progress merely situates the individual within the realm of English language learners. To enhance one's linguistic proficiency further, it is advisable to engage in written expression in English. This can be achieved by undertaking the task of translating personal diary entries or blog reviews into English. Even if one's grasp of grammar remains less than perfect, the crucial objective is to cultivate the habit of practicing and familiarizing oneself with a foreign language. An effective and effortless method of committing new vocabulary to memory is to commit it to writing. Additionally, by composing a series of sentences in English, one is better equipped to assess and rectify grammatical errors.

  • Speaking practice

     Good grammar means nothing if you never practice it in conversation. practicing it in conversation. Since the purpose of language is to communicate, you must learn to communicate your intentions orally in English. English. The key is to try to get the other person to understand what you are saying in English first. English first. Once you get used to conversing in English, you will automatically learn to improve your grammar. you will automatically learn to improve the grammar you use in speaking. Speaking

  • Utilize Games and social media

This is likewise one of the simplest methods to enhance your command of the English language. The English language can be acquired by making full use of various social media platforms available to you. Ensure that your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts are configured to operate in the English language.

The execution of training via community service proceeded smoothly. The findings indicate that students learning English consistently encounter difficulties in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Moreover, in order to address the issue of unmotivated English learners, it is crucial to establish a conducive learning environment. Furthermore, students need to diligently commit vocabulary and grammar to memory. To this end, it is recommended that they practice speaking English in daily conversations and engage in repetitive practice.        

Based on the results of this study, researchers propose several suggestions. Firstly, it is advisable for children to be exposed to English as a daily language, starting from their family environment. This will facilitate their ability to comprehend and participate in English language learning, both in school and outside of school. Additionally, English language teachers should design their lessons meticulously, taking into account the learning environment, materials, and methods employed, in order to prevent student apathy. Despite the numerous challenges encountered during the implementation of this program, it is anticipated that the English teaching program will persist, particularly if it is supplemented by community service activities conducted by the Master of Linguistics.


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