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Good decision = selecting best available alternatives + be accountable for that.

4 November 2011   06:45 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   00:04 83
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Life is full of uncertainty. By fact, no body no what happened within the next second and it is already become uncertainty of life. In uncertain condition, decision need to be made for any reason. Each decision is expected to be a good decision. Who makes the good decision? Person or group of person as decision maker. The problem is Not everyone can make good decision

To make a decision means there is something to be solved. It can be as simple as about what to eat, where to go, how to get there to the extend complexity of manage the nation. For any condition, there is alternative to be evaluate and to be selected. The challenge is not all alternatives comes with crystal clear data and information can be use as foundation for making decision. Most of the time, the alternative are not identified and need to be extracted from the air, through experiences, asking expert opinions, etc. For certain cases, its seem there is no alternative at all. Its the fate. The truth is even in the cases of what seems no alternative all to solve the problem, there is two alternative left: keep searching for exit strategy of the situation or stop searching for exit strategy and give up. There is always alternative. To make good decision, select the best of available alternative.

How often we hear, see and perhaps being in a team with person that only make suggestion alternatives and when comes to choose which one to be executed the person start to vanish or saying it is not my call to make decision? The extend use of consultant often become the escape pod for decision maker. These kind of person always take credit for benefit of what being decided but never take responsibility for loss, what ever it is. The use of consultant is to assist the decision maker see, understand, and able to decide which alternative to be decided not the decision itself. Even if the decision maker leave the decision to the consultant to decide, it is still the decision maker to decide the process. The decision maker is responsible for what ever is the process and what ever is the result. Decision maker should not have escape pod and always be responsible for anything that comes from the decision. It is being accountable.

As known, there is no bad solution but just bad decision and for every bad decision, it caused by poor selection of alternative and/or by the lack of accountable person for the matter.
Until next time - Be wise, Be successful!

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