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WebGoogler cares about Indonesia: the most beautiful country in Asia, the friendliest people on earth, the blessed nation




2012 A-Million-Man March

14 Januari 2011   20:03 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   09:35 108
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Politik. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Freepik

The peaceful revolution is coming to Indonesia.

The year is 2012. The happening: "A-Million-Man-March to save Indonesia".

Millions of Indonesians are marching peacefully on the streets of Jakarta. 2 Millions approximately. Most, college students. All, wearing red shirts and headbands. Thousands, waiving the national flags. Many, singing Indonesia Raya: the nation's anthem.

As far as the eyes can see: the sea of RED, the symbol of Blood and Bravery. Many have tears rolling down their cheeks. Their hearts are aching and longing for change. Thousands come from places far away, most from places nearby.

The young and old, the rich and poor, the educated and uneducated, they all gather peacefully joining hands in unity. Their hearts are crying out for a new beginning. Their minds are united in one goal. Their goal is simple: TO SAVE INDONESIA: the most beautiful country in the continental Asia; the friendliest people on earth, the blessed nation.

The question now is: Will you be there?

The Date: August 17, 2012

The Theme: "Save Our Nation from Corruption and Destruction"

The Time: 9 am - 5 pm

The Place: Monas - the National Monument, Jakarta

The Speakers: TBA (to be announced)

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