Mohon tunggu...
Max Webe
Max Webe Mohon Tunggu... Penulis - yesterday afternoon writer, working for my country, a reader, any views of my kompasiana are personal

"There is so much weariness and disappointment in travel that people have to open up – in railway trains, over a fire, on the decks of steamers, and in the palm courts of hotels on a rainy day. They have to pass the time somehow, and they can pass it only with themselves. Like the characters in Chekhov they have no reserves – you learn the most intimate secrets. You get an impression of a world peopled by eccentrics, of odd professions, almost incredible stupidities, and, to balance them, amazing endurances." — Graham Greene, The Lawless Roads (1939)



Halo Lokal Pilihan

Soal Israel, Erdogan Butuh Makarim Mundur

5 Januari 2016   23:32 Diperbarui: 1 Januari 2022   21:29 17
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Makarim sebagai pelapor khusus PBB diberi mandat untuk mengenai situasi kemanusiaan di Palestina pada Juni 2014. Walaupun dia telah mengumumkan mundur, tetapi hal itu baru berlaku secara resmi pada 31 Maret 2016 usai penyerahan laporan akhir ke Dewan HAM PBB.


Turki Israel Energi disini

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