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Soon I Will Be Forgotten

2 Agustus 2014   12:50 Diperbarui: 18 Juni 2015   04:37 42
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[caption id="attachment_317511" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="(Picture by Adinda Suci Rahayu)"][/caption] Soon I will be forgotten I will be running on different orbit Walking on different path Soon I will not be the same person as I am now But God! Let me stay this way, I cried It’s so unfortunate That nothing that I can do To stop the ticking clock Soon the memories of me will go backwards Invading the place in the back of your mind At least, when they appear once in a while I hope you will smile Because I will still be forgotten But the memories of me will remain alive (Hopefully, I whisper) Jakarta, Ramadan 1435 H

Adinda S. Rahayu

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