Medieval philosophy is commonly called the century of scholastic philosophy. The word is taken from the word schuler which means teaching or school. To understand the style of medieval philosophy, it is necessary to think about and the characteristics of philosophy. Some characteristics that need to be understood are:
1) The way of doing philosophy is led by the church.
2) Philosophy in the environment of Aristotle's teachings.
3) Philosophy with the help of Augustine.
The classical period is divided into two periods, namely the Islamic Scholastic Period and the Christian Scholastic Period.
A. Period of Islamic Scholastic Philosophy (Arabic)
The success of philosophy at this time also determines the glory of the Islamic world, namely during the Abbasid Daula in Baghdad (750-1258) and the Amawiyah Daula in Spain (755-7492). According to Hasbullah Bakry, the term scholastic Islam is rarely used in the Khazanah to urge Islam. The term often used is kalam science or Islamic philosophy. The two sciences are determined in the discussion. The scholastic period of Islam can be divided into four periods, namely:
1. First Kalam Period
This period is marked by mutakallimin groups / schools in kalam science, namely:
A. Khawarij
b. Murjiah
c. Qadariyah
d. Jabariah
e. Mu'tazilah
f. Sunnah Expert
The most prominent school is the Mu'tazilah which was driven by Wasil bin Atha and regarded as Islamic rationalism. This flow arises as an answer to the challenges that arise in the form of understandings about the problem of God and human relations with God, namely understanding tasybih (anthropomorphism), jabariyah (determinism), and khawarij (theocratic understanding). The Mu'tazilah gave answers to their concepts and teachings, namely:
a. Oneness of God (al-tauhid)
b. Freedom of will (al-iradah)
c. God's justice (al-'is)
d. Middle position (al-manzilah bain al-manzilatain)
e. Amar ma'ruf nahi munkar (al-amr bi al-ma'ruf wa al nahy 'an al-munkar).
2. First Philosophy Period
The first period of Islamic philosophy was the period of the rise of Muslim philosophers in the East, respectively:
a. Al-Kindi (806-873 AD)
b. Al-Razi (865-925 AD)
c. Al-Farabi (870-950 AD)
d. Ibn Sina (980-1037 AD).
3. The Second Kalam Period
This period was marked by the appearance of important kalam figures and their influence on the development of the next kalam science, including:
a. Al-Asyi'ari (873-957 AD)
At first he was a follower of Mu'tazilah, but because he was not satisfied with the information given by his teacher, Al-Juba'i, he finally left Mu'tazilah. His flow and understanding are called Asy'ariyah. Beside Ash'ariyah also Al-Matudiri.
b. Al-Ghazali (1065-1111 AD)
He is a Muslim figure who has a big influence on the Islamic world. He has the title "hujjatul Islam" (Islamic stronghold).
4. Second Philosophy Period
This period was marked by the appearance of scholars and experts in various fields who were also interested in philosophy. They lived during the Amawiyah period in Spain (Europe) when Europe was in the dark. With the appearance of Muslim philosophers in Europe, science and civilization grew and developed. They are     :
a. Ibn Bajjah (1100-1138 AD), in the West known as Avempace
b. Ibn Thufail (m. 1185 AD), in the West known as Abubacer
c. Ibnu Rusyd (1126-1198 AD), in the West known as Averroce
5. Period of Awakening
This period began with the awareness and revival of the Islamic world after experiencing a decline in the mind's nature since the XV century to the XIX century. Therefore, this period is also referred to as the Islamic Renaissance. Among the influential figures in this period were Jamaluddin Al-Afgani, Muhammad Abduh, Rasyid Ridha, Muhammad Iqbal, and many more.
B. Period of Christian Scholastic Philosophy
In the history of its development can be divided into three, namely:
1. Early Scholastic Period (9-12 CE)
      This period is a revival of medieval thought after a decline. The pre-Greek period was due to the strong domination of the church class. At first the scholasticism arose for the first time in the monastery of South Italy and eventually affected other regions. In the schools at that time a curriculum was implemented which included worldly studies or arts liberales which included grammar, rhetoric, dialectics (the art of discussion), arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music.
      At this time the issue of thought that stands out is the relationship between ratio and revelation (religion). He formulated the relationship between ratio and religion with "Credo Ut In Telligam" (I believe in understanding). The point is that people who have religious beliefs will understand everything better: God, humans, and the world. So the most important thing is religion in his philosophy, but does not deny the ability of reason. Universalia is a common understanding such as humanity, kindness, beauty, and so on.
2. The Golden Scholastic Period
Since the middle of the 12th century non-krisriani works began to emerge and Islamic philosophers began to influence. The period of scholastic glory that lasted from 1200-1300 AD
In general there are several factors that make the scholastic period reach golden, namely:
a. The influence of Aristotle, Ibn Rasyd, Ibn Sina, since the 12th century until the 13th century has grown into extensive science.
b. In 1200 AD was founded the University of Almamater in France. This alma mater is the embryo of the founding of Universities in Paris, Oxford, and others.
c. The founding of orders are due to the large amount of attention given to science so as to create a strong urge to provide a lively atmosphere
13th century. The most famous figures of this time were Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aguinas.
3. Final Scholastic Period
This period was marked by the laziness of philosophical thinking that led to the stagnation of Christian scholastic philosophical thought. At this time the most famous figure, namely Nicolaus Cusanus (1401-1404 AD). According to him there are three ways to recognize, namely: through the senses, reason and intuition. Nicolaus's thought is considered an attempt to unite all medieval thought to a broader synthesis. This synthesis leads to the future and this thought implies a humanist thought.
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