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Vooya Mohon Tunggu... Konsultan - Experiential Study Tour

Vooya is an Experiential Study Tour program, which provides you an opportunity, to dig deeper your passion and interest, while broadening your knowledge about the world and its customs, at the same time.




Best Universities in the UK

20 September 2017   16:33 Diperbarui: 26 September 2017   12:52 473
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Interested to visit the universities and see how they are with your own eyes? Vooya "Learning without Borders" will take you there!

Joining Vooya's #UnlockingYou Project, an experiential study tour, would take you to emerging cities abroad to allow them to try on exciting yet beneficial experiential activities based on multiple academic subjects, such as circus training, acting workshop, journalism course, and business workshop.

In London, there are also sightseeing activities like shopping in Harrods and roaming the streets nearby Oxford Street, but we'll also take you to the University of Oxford during summertime, the Univeristy of Cambridge on school holiday, and UCL during wintertime.

Or, you can tell us your preferred universities to visit.

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