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Nazwa Davega
Nazwa Davega Mohon Tunggu... Undergraduate International Relations Student at University of Singaperbangsa Karawang

International Conflict, China, Middle East, Uni Eropa, United States, International Relations




Challenges and Hopes: a Woman as an Academic in the International Relations program

4 April 2024   00:52 Diperbarui: 4 April 2024   08:55 197
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International Relations (Source:

For women who have an interest in a career in International Relations, they must be willing to contribute directly to society. Not only understanding theoretically about gender discourse but also taking part in providing socialization to those who do not have access. 

"We must continue to learn and then try to introduce it, for example through socialization, we can also do so - so that people who may not have access and privileges like us, we who have privileges as academics, try to get out so that - we have what is called service as lecturers, inviting students to go to the community, providing education such as for example early childhood must know sexuality early to prevent them from experiencing sexual violence, gender-based violence physically or online, toxic relationships between adult couples, teenagers in high school can also provide socialization socialization so that everyone can get access." said Prilla.

Women must get access to education, careers and opportunities to influence global policies. 

In the context of education, Prilla said that the declining illiteracy rate has become good news for Indonesia, which shows that the education system is starting to be evenly distributed but there is still a need to increase literacy for women. Then in the career field, women have the right to maintain their careers and both men and women must be literate in education. Third, for global policy, Prilla mentioned a female figure who has influenced global policy, Retno Marsudi, the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs. 

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