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Shizuoka University Visit Fablab Edu FPMIPA UPI

9 Oktober 2024   16:36 Diperbarui: 9 Oktober 2024   17:21 40
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A visit from Shizuoka University and their student to Fablab Edu FPMIPA UPI was held on March, 27th 2024 at 10.30 am until 12.00. The delegation was brought by representative from Directorate of International Affairs (DIA UPI), Tuszie Widhiyanti, Ph.D., and Heli Siti Halimatul Munawaroh, Ph.D., as PIC on UPI side for the visit, also welcomed by Triannisa Rahmawati, S.Pd., M.Si., Miarthi K Nair, M.Pd., as Fablab management. On that opportunity, Fablab management explained about the history of Fablab, in which this program was one of the grant from LUPIC/Sogang University, South Korea, as the collaboration between Sogang University-UPI, also Unnes, and Undiksha. Furthermore, the student also took on the facilities of Fablab Edu belong to, and received a small lecture about 3D printer, UV-printer, laser cutting. Some of the student also tried to operate Bambulab. Bambulab is one type of 3D printer that has some overage compare to the other 3D printer.  This printer used filament as a raw material.

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