In September 2022, HMD Fisika UI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Departemen Fisika UI) carried out community service at Rumah Singgah Anak Yatim Dhuafa HOME Depok.
This activity aims to foster a sense of curiosity towards science in elementary school age children. In management, Rumah Singgah Ramah Anak Yatim Dhuafa HOME Depok is a program under the non-profit organization Human Initiative Indonesia. Basically, HOME is an alternative caregiver house in which it seeks to fulfill the rights and protection of children integrated with other programs.
PHOTON activities are held every Sunday in September. The first day of activities (04/09), that is making poster of dream and also mentoring that began with the opening and remarks from The Project Officer PHOTON and HOME Depok. As a team leader of PHOTON 2022, Vira said science is very close to us.
“ is very close to us. Even though we are not in the scope of science, it turns out that many things are related to science. Well, we want to introduce you that science is exciting and fun” said Vira in her speech.
Home Depok Project Officer, Kak Indah Karunia also thanked the UI Physics Student for choosing HOME Depok as a place of community service and spreading science that could be useful for children.
The activities of making posters of dream and mentoring were accompanied by a mentor (UI Physics Students) in each group. With the aim of getting closer to the children of the activity participants, knowing whether children in elementary school age already have dreams that they want to achieve, and instilling the thought that dreams or life goals is important.
On the second day of activities (11/09), the activities carried out were science literacy. In science literacy, the books read are the basics of physics such as what is earth, water, fire, energy and others. The essence of this literacy activity is expected to increase literacy interest on children of the activity. At the same time to instill the thought that science is very close to us and pleasant to study.