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Vilya Lakstian
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Penulis adalah Dosen Linguistik di Jurusan Sastra Inggris dan Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa IAIN Surakarta, Akademi Bahasa Asing Harapan Bangsa, dan International Hospitality Center. Selain mengajar mahasiswa, dia juga mengajar untuk staff hotel, pelayaran, dan pramugari. Penulis adalah lulusan Pascasarjana Prodi Linguistik Deskriptif di Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta dan Sarjana Sastra Inggris konsentrasi Linguistik di IAIN Surakarta. Penulis aktif dalam penelitian dan kajian sosial. Penulis juga sering menulis untuk media massa, dan penelitian untuk jurnal. Dalam berbagai kajian bahasa yang telah dilakukannya, linguistik sistemik fungsional menjadi topik yang sering dibahas dan dikembangkan.




Basic Reading in University: The Upgraded Basics

25 Desember 2015   16:12 Diperbarui: 5 Januari 2016   20:20 70
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Basic reading for students in university is not really basic. As reading English texts has been applied in high school, the perspective of viewing it for language skill is improved then. When they had to answer questions related to texts in high school, being students in university should be critical. This way is because they will encounter journals, literary works, researches, and other advanced manuscripts.

[caption caption="Basic Reading Class Activities"][/caption]


In our childhood, we ever tried to read letters and words by spelling. While experiencing school time, our reading skill was developed until reaching multiple paragraphs, then discourse.

According to this fact, reading leads students for literacy from the smallest to the largest unit of language. This is how reading relates to language skill and competence. In Psycholinguistic perspective, language users improve their competencies in their lifetime, especially in golden ages which the improvement is believed reaching effectiveness. Reading passages leads readers to perform their language competence from word, clause, sentence, and paragraph. Even, it leads us to critical thinking.

Proving Social Function

The writer teaches basic reading for English Letters Department. Main idea is still the core for catching every paragraph. The lesson is supported by how those paragraphs organized. The lecture is then improved to the way of author tells his or her ideas to readers.

His students finally had devices to comprehend English texts. This application carried them for stepping on the paths of interpreting text performances. This statement comes from the realization of text carrying social function. Every type of text has particular function. Compare the functions of Narrative, Report, Argumentation, Procedure, and so on. They have differences and characteristics, don't they? In his lecture, the writer found that his students were finally able to make sense of devices from their reading tasks. They showed some lists related to main ideas, details, idea organizations, tones, and participants. From those lists, they could prove the text performance for readers and appropriateness with environment.

Thus, basic reading in university has reached basics on the upgraded level. This is the time for students to prepare various texts on academic purposes. Their critical thinking has been prepared for next reading levels until conducting research.

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