b. Perspectives on Al-Hadith, Hadith has always been an interesting material to study. Muslims are based on a great sense of responsibility towards the teachings of Islam. Whereas Orientalists study it only for scientific purposes. Sometimes even just to find the weaknesses of Islamic teachings through the teachings of Islam itself. Iqbal considers that Muslims need to conduct an in-depth study of hadith literature by referring directly to the Prophet himself as someone who has the authority to interpret his revelations. Iqbal agreed with Shah Waliyullah's opinion on the hadith, namely the Prophet's way of conveying Islamic da'wah by paying attention to the habits, ways and peculiarities that he faced at that time. In addition, the Prophet also paid attention to the customs of the local population. In his delivery the Prophet emphasized more on the basic principles of social life for all humanity, without being related to space and time.
c. Perspectives on Ijtihad, according to Iqbal ijtihad is "Exert with view to form an independent judgment on legal question" (to be serious in forming a free decision to answer legal issues). From Ijtihad which has been carried out for centuries, it has been developed and modified by Islamic jurists in anticipating every problem of society that arises. So that gave birth to a variety of opinions (schools). developed over several centuries.
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