Betang Damang, Singa Kenting, Desa Tumbang Korik-Central Kalimantan
Tumbang Korik is a village located in the remote area in
Kahayan, Central Kalimantan. This village could only be reached by boat which the native called it "Kelotok." Spending about two hours or even more due to visit some villages around Kahayan river, Central Kalimantan. Tumbang Korik is just like the other village in Central Kalimantan, it has its own uniqueness. While arriving at the gate of the village it can be seen that the heritage of ancient dayaknese exists there, that is Betang Damang (which is owned by Singa Kenting). Singa Kenting is a predecessor at the Tumbang Korik and he had a huge role for the villagers. The ancient dayaknese used the building (Betang Damang) or any kind of Betang to protect their tribe from enemies attack, that's why Betang were built by high pole, well built and high.
Nowadays, many of the Betang are replicated to the new building, to make it exist for the generations ahead. Betang Damang-Singa Kenting is just a picture of many inheritances of the Dayaknese around Kalimantan.
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