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Palopo Regain "WTP"

1 Juni 2017   08:58 Diperbarui: 1 Juni 2017   09:06 289
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The mayor of Palopo Drs.H.M.Judas Amir, MH.,  is very grateful. The city of Palopo again WTP and defended the title "Unqualified" for the local government financial statements.

Establishment of WTP predicate submitted directly by the BPK-RI Representative of South Sulawesi. The mayor of palopo expressed his thanks to God for what we achieved today. And for the second time achievement. This status is certainly due to the participation of all parties ranks of the government of Palopo city who has worked hard.

Mayor of Palopo also express his thanks to SKPD related. And remain motivated to realize a clean government.

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