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The Great President

9 Juni 2014   05:35 Diperbarui: 20 Juni 2015   04:37 34
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The Great President

Indonesia is one of the largest state in the world. Indonesia is the 4th most populous country in the world. Indonesia is in fourth place after China (1.3 billion people), India (1.2 billion people), and the United States (316 million people). By the amount of approximately 250 million people, Indonesia contributes 3.5 percent of world population. The following states with a large population are Brazil (200 million people), Pakistan (193 million people), Nigeria (174 million people), Bangladesh (163 million people), Russia (142 million people), and Japan (127 million people).

The width of Indonesia is the same with the distance between San Francisco and New York. If we compare with Europe, the width of Indonesia covers the area from Lisbon (Portugal) to Minsk (Belarus)-almost 22 countries of Europe. How great we are…

Also Indonesia is a member of Group of Twenty (G20) major economies in the world. In 2012 Gross domestic product Indonesia is 878.043 million US dollar, number 16th among the G20 members.

The Challenges

And now, the challenges are:

a.How can we feed the 250 million people everyday?

b.Who will supply the food for 250 million people?

c.Which area shall be the National Rice Barn-Lumbung Padi Nasional?

d.How to build the connectivity from Sabang to Merauke? It talks about land transportation, marine           transportation, and air transportation.

e.How to provide good telecommunication around the Indonesia? Such as telephone and internet.

f.And how to fulfill our energy needs everyday? Fuel, gases, electricity, and water……..

Only the Great president who has great vision to Indonesia can answer the challenges together with the people of Indonesia.

Indonesia also blessed with the abundant natural resources. From Aceh to Papua lies the great natural resources such as oil and gas, forest, mineral and etc. The way to manage this country is the main key to reach the prosperity of the people of Indonesia. How our leaders match the technology and resources, blend it and make a synergy to prosper this country.

So, finally 9 July 2014 is the answer of all our questions. But do not forget to pray, sowing hopes and believe in God. Whoever will be our president, he is a choice. We only can do our best in this day by day struggle of life. Thank you.

Picture taken from

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