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Nada's Story

7 Desember 2010   12:59 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   10:56 65
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Sungguh aku bangga dan salut  serta malu pada anakku Nada yang baru berumur 7,5 tahun. dia sudah bisa membuat cerita maupun bercerita panjang lebar in English.

Yah, kami memang sekarang berdomisili di UK sejak 10 bulan yang lalu, dan kemampuan anak anak dlm bahasa, melejit begitu pesatnya. salah satu buktinya adalah cerita di bawah ini.

Cerita ini murni dan asli dibuat oleh Nada dan tidak ada aku edit, secara aku ga PD.

so..silahkan kepada teman teman yang mempunyai kemampuan lebih in english untuk memberikan masukan dari semua hal.

Sepertinya ini adalah pengalamannya sendiri ditambah dengan imajinasi seorang anak yang berumur 7 tahun.

Selamat Membaca !

Sunday, 5th December 2010


By : Nada Safira (7thn)

One snowy day,there was a little girl called Rose who lived with her mum in a cosy little cottage near the forest. One day while mum was cooking soup for breakfast, Rose looked out of the window and thought,”what’s out there?”. As she looked out of the window in a distance Rose could see the forest which is called the deep dark spooky forest. Then Rose begin to feel excited because she will explore what’s in the forest,so she put on her coat,gloves,scarf and hat then she crept out of the house and shut the little cottage’s door.

Rose walked past the deep snowy ground and as she walked in the deep wide snowy ground Rose could feel the snow crunching. When Rose reached the deep dark spooky forest she saw birds sitting on bare branches and when she notice this she was surprised that there was no snow on the ground. She walked deeper and deeper into the forest then in the middle part of the forest. She could see fairies,goblins,elves and faces on trees starring at her. But Rose still felt brave ,she still wanted to explore the forest so she walked and she walked deeper and deeper into the woods until she reached deepest part of the forest.

She could see bear trying to get her and she could hear wolves howling. When Rose reached the other side of the forest she was not brave,now she was a little scaredd when she saw one eyes in a cave, a ginger bread house which has a wicked witch inside with a trub, unfriendly goblins and unfriendly faries.

Rose was scared, “mum!” Rose shouted but her mum didn’nt come until mum relived that Rose was gone. So mum stepped out of the house and searched for Rose every where but she cannot find her daughter anywhere until she saw Rose running out of the forest. Then they went home and ate their soup and went to sleep.

That night Rose dream that may be she could explore what’s in the forest and live happily ever after the end.


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