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Analysis of National Interest Theory in ASEAN Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting (TELMIN)

11 Januari 2024   10:20 Diperbarui: 19 Januari 2024   19:48 119
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Indonesia's Potential to Become an E-Commerce Hub in ASEAN Source: Anam, 2023

The advancement of the times has made social media very influential in the life of the nation and state. Indonesia, as a country with the fourth largest population in the world, often receives cyber threats and attacks. Cyber diplomacy was born as a security concept because the threats that can be posed from cyber problems are not trivial. Cyber crime is a crime that involves computers and internet networks. TELMIN stands for ASEAN Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting. It is a forum attended by telecommunications and information technology ministers from ASEAN countries. The purpose of the Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting (TELMIN) in cyber diplomacy crime is to address cyber challenges and threats that occur in ASEAN and with partner countries to strengthen cyber resilience over time as information and digital technology develops.

In addition, the Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting (TELMIN) can also assist in developing policies that regulate the use of information and communication technology, promote ethics and morals in the use of technology, and build international cooperation in addressing global cyber threats. In the Indonesian context, the Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting (TELMIN) can also help in cyber diplomacy efforts to build good relations with other countries and maintain cyber security in the country. As information and communication technology develops, the potential for cybercrime increases. Therefore, it is important to always be vigilant and wise in using internet media and maintaining the confidentiality of personal data.

A. Analysis of National Interest Theory in Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting (TELMIN)

National interest theory is a fundamental aspect in the field of international relations and politics that refers to the goals and ambitions of a nation including economic, military and cultural aspects. In the context of Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting (TELMIN) analysis, we can use the theory of national interest to understand how countries use Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting (TELMIN) to achieve their interests. Some key points in national interest relating to Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting (TELMIN) include:

1. Strengthening Digital Connectivity

The ASEAN region has great potential to become a center of innovation and growth in the digital economy. By 2022, internet users in the region will reach 460 million with 100 million users joining in the last three years. Even the ASEAN e-commerce sector generates more than USD130 billion and is projected to be one of the fastest growing regional digital economies.

Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi stated that as the Chair of ASEAN in 2023, Indonesia optimizes and supports the improvement of digital connectivity that can contribute to economic improvement in the ASEAN region, where Indonesia has the responsibility to lead and direct ASEAN countries in accordance with the ASEAN digital roadmap, such as the ASEAN Digital Masterplan, and the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity.

The programs that Indonesia is currently undertaking and will undertake include the ratification of ASEAN ICT Fund (AICTF) funding in 2018. The program includes:

a) Application development for open and big data which aims to develop applications that use the densest data and open source technology to solve problems or improve the quality of people's lives.
b) ASEAN Maker Hackathon 2018 which aims to develop innovation and skills in technology and innovation in the ASEAN region.
c) Joint promotion programs related to direct connectivity and Internet exchange points that aim to increase Internet engagement and usage, and provide more efficient and accessible services.
d) International roaming services that aim to provide cheaper and more accessible international roaming services for users during overseas travel.
e) Mobile number portability which aims to improve mobile number portability, facilitate the transport of mobile numbers between different types of devices, and provide more efficient mobile number services.
f) Analog Switch Off (ASO) in 2020 which aims to stop analog broadcasts and make the transition to digital broadcasts. Some of the objectives of this program are to improve the quality of TV broadcasts, realize a more equitable fast internet, provide additional free services, transform the broadcasting industry to be better prepared to compete in the convergence era, and fulfill the mandate of the Job Creation Law.

2.Regional Cooperation

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