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"Teaching English For Children By Song"

11 Maret 2018   20:01 Diperbarui: 11 Maret 2018   20:06 230
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Education of english for children is very importance. English language is a be a second language in this world. As a teacher, we must teach our student since early and make a learning situation which interest is teacher use a song during lesson.

the characteristic of children who active, easy to remember, easy to imitate and cheerful the very thing who make learn english by song can be easier and fun. Through a song the children can sing, know and can expression what the song about. Teacher can show the student through a body language and things of the subject lesson. From a song too, students can know speak memorizing the new word that they have from a song.

In the other hand teaching english for children by song not make the student feel bored during a lesson. Students who passive can be active little by little. Students can be more cheerful, love a english language and not feel difficult to learn english language.

Teaching English to young learners has become its own field of study as the age of compulsary English as a foreign language education has become lower and lower in countries around the world. Syllabus planning for the young learners classrooms flourished as a reflection of this common practice. If we carefully examine the English language syllabus designed for young learners especially over the last deace, we will come to realize that. They almost focus on the communicative use the English Language, that the skills of listening and speaking are set as priorities especially in primary education and that songs are include as essential teaching tools in teaching English to young learners.

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