I'm not a girl, not yet a woman. Just trying to be a lady. Can Be! Simple, it's me! V(^_*)V
I like ‘adventuring’ by traveling. Experiences in those place I’ve visited, taught me a lot. I also love ‘adventuring’ by reading the books and watching the movies, since it represents life that taught me a lot too. And now if you asked me, what I am, I could say that I’m an everlasting learner in this life university. But by the most of it, I’m truly a dreamer. ^___^
blog: http://myministryofwords.wordpress.com/
YM: rahmiko_chan@yahoo.com
Pemerhati dan Pengamat Regulasi Persampahan | Terus Menyumbang Pemikiran yang sedikit u/ Tata Kelola Sampah di Indonesia | Green Indonesia Foundation | Founder PKPS di Indonesia | Founder Firma AH dan Partner | Jakarta |
Pendiri Yayasan Kelola Sampah Indonesia - YAKSINDO | Surabaya. http://asrulhoesein.blogspot.co.id
Mobile: +628119772131
WA: +6281287783331
The Official Page of Dewa Klasik Alexander. \r\n\r\nSocial Activist, Entrepreneur, Creative Thinker, Branding & Digital Marketing Consultant.\r\n\r\nPray, Plan and Play the best. \r\n\r\nLive by miracle, favor and grace of Jesus Christ. \r\n\r\nLiving to know Jesus Christ, dying to make Him known.\r\n\r\nMy main projects : Innovate nothing to be something, develop nobody to be somebody! \r\n\r\nCP: bumidinasti@gmail.com