"Tidak penting SIAPA yg menulis, yg penting APA yg ditulis" (Ragile 2009). Pendiri #PlanetKenthir. Pro #Gusdurian. Lahir: 1960. Kuliah Sastra Inggris. Gawe Software Komputer ; Keuangan. Nama: Agil Abdullah Albatati (Engkong Ragile). FB: Agil Abd Albatati. Twitter: @KongRagile. Alamat: Kemang Jakarta Selatan
dari seorang lulusan Seminari Menengah Garum Blitar lalu menjadi karyawan Bank Dhaha Ekonomi Kediri, TU SKKPN Madiun, Guru SMPK Gamaliel Madiun, Guru SMA K St Bonaventura Magetan, Guru SMPN 1 Magetan, Guru SPGN Ngawi, Guru SMA K St Thomas Ngawi, Guru Agama Katolik SMAN 3 Madiun, Ketua DPC Partai Kebangsaan Merdeka Madiun, lalu menjadi Spiritualist dan penulis spiritual sampai sekarang ini ...
Formal Education Background in UPDM (B) Of Bachelor’s Degree of Politics and Social Science, majoring of Public Administration and Master Degree, Majoring of Human Resources. Worked in various private companies over 30 years, such as: PT. Pan Brothers Textile as HRD Assistant Manager, PT. Sumber Makmur as HRD Manager, General Personnel Manager at PT. Bangun Perkarsa Adhitamasentra, Senior Manager of HRD and General affair at PT. Indoraya Giriperkarsa, Headmaster of Kelapa Dua High School, and the last, Head of the General Bureau and Human Resources at ISTN Jakarta.