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Ruang Kelas

The Second Week of the Chip Moment MSME Program

2 Desember 2022   01:39 Diperbarui: 2 Desember 2022   01:46 44
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

Some of the content that we have compiled runs smoothly this week, while what we have made is content such as tips & tricks for playing the legendary mobile game by inserting an invitation to buy Moent chips while playing, there are also pantun stories, meme content and TikTok reposts related to this product. . Not only that, we make product advertisement posts featuring product packaging and games.

In this case, we are trying to attract buyers' interest by building branding from the material provided from the Digital Marketing Program (DMP) activity last October at Rumah BUMN Yogyakarta (RuBY). We found that there were followers who gave direct feedback such as reacting to stories, comments on posts, some followers increased, and some even asked how to become a reseller.

However, we don't stop there, we keep trying to create more interesting content for more buyers so that many buy Moent chips products so that they are more widely known by the public.

Follow Instagram @kompasianacom juga Tiktok @kompasiana biar nggak ketinggalan event seru komunitas dan tips dapat cuan dari Kompasiana. Baca juga cerita inspiratif langsung dari smartphone kamu dengan bergabung di WhatsApp Channel Kompasiana di SINI

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