Mohon tunggu...
Tsar Nabilakanesar
Tsar Nabilakanesar Mohon Tunggu...

orang yang tak tahan dengan kritikan masuk saja keranjang sampah




3 Days Remain Till Ramadhan 1432 H

28 Juli 2011   23:40 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   03:17 72
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Unnoticed soon we will enter a beautiful moon, the moon penug with forgiveness. full of grace and favor. The month of Ramadan. only a matter of days we're running a command that must inevitably we must live secar sincere, and its all done because the gods alone.

During the whole month we hold ourselves there are three very important points regarding the restraint during the whole month we fast include:

1. Refrain from eating, it means: put something into the food objects in the mouth, throat continues to be channeled through the hole. So-called limits meal is when things were already through the hole throat.
2. Refrain from drinking, it means: put something in the object liquid into the mouth, throat continues to be channeled through the hole. Also called the drink limit when the body fluid is already past the throat. In this case for the saliva is not included.
The conclusion of the above then when brushing teeth, gargling, cleaning teeth, etc., as long as things do not put something past the throat the fast is legitimate.
3. Refrain from the conjugal relationship or intercourse. Forbidden to have intercourse while fasting, because fasting held during the day, while the evening there is no law that prohibits.

Of the three points are the steps to comply with the gods perinta fasting,

During the whole month we are in the compulsory restraint as mentioned above. if we run with all my heart we will get the wisdom of fasting this Ramadan.

Oleh Tsar Nabilakanesar

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