The difference between conventional banks and sharia, which lies in the principle and system, does not preclude the role of Islamic banks to become financial service providers and payment traffic as is normal for banks. Most importantly there are no elements that are prohibited from shariah in practice.
      3. Economic welfare and justice
Examples of transactions in conventional banks low-income savings and transactions in conventional financial institutions. He must be willing to cut his savings money for services that may not be charged by Islamic banks because it is not by the provisions of Islamic banks. In this case, Islamic banking takes the role of a banking industry that promotes justice, welfare, and economic equality. The government has realized that many conventional banking policies do not defend small people. That is why the government is also trying to develop Islamic banking units in the regions.
      4. Halal Promotion
The existence of Islamic banking will encourage the growth of sharia entrepreneurs from micro to macro levels. In addition to promoting fair benefits in Islamic banking, the halal promotion will also increase investment because the benefits obtained are more transparent and equitable.
      5. Initiator of Economic Business
All facilities provided by sharia banking will be a motivator for people who have the intention to do business. Business is defined as establishing a business entity or economic business unit that generates employment and income opportunities. That way the people's welfare will be lifted. An easy system in sharia banking for ordinary people to start their embodiment business immediately.
Thus the role of Islamic banks in Indonesia benefits both parties between Islamic banks and customers, so it greatly helps national economic growth and equity going forward. It can be concluded from the explanation that Islamic banks have a large role in the economic development in Indonesia. This is certainly very beneficial because it can improve the welfare of the Indonesian people.
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