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"My Teachers are My Hero"

8 April 2018   21:21 Diperbarui: 8 April 2018   22:15 580
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A teacher is a person who always teaches us good things and guides us in the better way. when I was a child, we called our teachers as a "Pahlawan Tanpa Tanda Jasa" (Indonesia language). I didn't understand actually, what is the meaning of that sentence. In the past, I just realized my teachers is a hero because they shared their knowledge to us. Moved to the junior high school I am still wondering about that sentence. I saw they didn't do anything to prove me that they deserve called as a hero. They just teach the same things similar to when I was in elementary school. 

I kept observing what they did because I want to find something special from them. I got improvement from my observation. Some teachers are showing their activity that can prove me that they are a hero. Bu Sutrisni is her name. she is always doing something different with the other teachers. I mean she is doing something that the others teachers didn't want to do. 

She already has a husband and three daughters, but she always came early to the school for giving water to the plant that she planted in front of our class. she did it every single day even it is long holiday she still comes to the school to watering the plant. Besides that, she never hates someone even to the person who didn't really like her. She always smiles and treat us better than the other teachers. In my last year of junior high school, I have some naughty friends in my class. 

Bu Sutrisni is my class advisor. Even some of my friends did something bad and wrong, Bu Sutrisni being different with them. Didn't like the others teachers, she asked my friend what is the goals and what actually the things that they what with did that bad thing. She is just being patient and kind. Solving a big problem became easy for her because she did it with heart, love, and patient. But I still wondering, how about the other teachers who didn't do the same things as Bu Sutrisni. It can't call as a hero for me. A teacher is a hero when they doing something similar and special like Bu Sutrisni.

I moved to Sampoerna academy. The school with high quality and high people also. When the first time I came here, I thought there will be no another Bu Sutrisni. Day by day just the same. Until I wondered about my dorm parents. Dorm parent is the teacher who stays in the student dormitory for replacing our parents. If we need something, we can ask to them. I still remembered about "Pahlawan Tanpa Tanda Jasa". 

I asked my friend about my dorm parents if they had a family. They told me if they had a family and a daughter. From that question, I asked to myself and wondered. It means they feel the same things as us. They will miss their family. And I know mostly my teachers home is far away from the school. If they want to go home, they will need more time in the way. 

Dormitory life is complicated. We will face a big problem anytime. I always appreciate to all my dorm parent who always there if we faced difficulty. And I got proved by the teachers and I believe that my teachers are my hero when I realized there are so many teachers living far away from the school. And every day they had to go to school early in the morning and back again in the evening by public transportation. They had no problem if they just spent their time with us. I feel so sad because they can't spend their time with family.

Realizing that things, I am truly proud of all of my teachers and stuff. They worked hard just for us. Their goals just want to make us became a good people in this country. They never angry with us, even they angry it just wants to make us run in a good way again. I know what are they feeling, they are just a normal human. But they are a hero.

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