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Tri Budhi Sastrio
Tri Budhi Sastrio Mohon Tunggu... Scriptores ad Deum glorificamus





Kasidi Velintry (4) - The Fourth Day of Velintry

7 Januari 2025   11:32 Diperbarui: 7 Januari 2025   11:32 58
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The Fourth Day of Velintry - Tri Budhi Sastrio

2012 is almost over.
Headlines in large letters in a number of media
that 'Corruption in the DPR is Increasingly
Violent' or something similar - 'Corruption of
Government Officials is Increasingly Severe' --
are no longer written like they were at the
beginning of this year, but has corruption in this
country stopped?

It's not yet clear because there hasn't been
any new news but many actions have been done
before, now one by one they are waiting for
their turn to be revealed and made known to
the public and it is said that the queue is
already very long.

Much longer than the queue of cars stuck
in traffic jams during rush hour for workers
leaving or returning from offices in Jakarta.

Returning to the question, has corruption
in this country stopped? It doesn't feel like it.
Apparently not. Most likely not. Or definitely not.
If given these four answer choices, which one
would the majority of respondents
in a survey choose?

It feels like the latter. DEFINITELY NOT,
definitely not stopping.
Even with the increasing number of public
officials wearing KPK prisoner uniforms?
Well, how can prison clothes prevent
state money pirates from continuing to work?
Clothes remain clothes, shame remains shame,
but the activity of taking state money continues...

Tacky, stupid, shameless, rude and
inconsiderate, there are so many examples.
Annoying? Yes. Dangerous? Of course but
less and less of this is being done.
Which is starting to be done a lot and this is
much more dangerous because the perpetrators
are starting to appear 'smooth, intelligent,
shameless and invisible'.

Try to imagine the evil thought of stealing
state money in the name of improvement,
perfection, improvement, and many things
to improve the welfare of the nation state.
It must be hard to see and sniff because
that's what it was, very subtle, very intelligent,
very shameless, and very intangible.

Everything is normal.
The activity program is designed.
The aim is flawless.
Make sure everything is open.
As a consequence, a budget is prepared.
So, what's wrong if it's like this?
Nothing, right?
This is not an act of corruption, bro.
The country must continue to progress.
A program must be created.
The budget must be used for the progress
of the nation and state but the bottom line,
no matter how subtly and intelligently
a program is designed, no matter how
shamelessly and inconspicuously a program is
proposed, the nuance and smell of
'evil intentions' can still be felt miles away. .

How can you not smell the evil aroma from
a distance if a program that seems very
important, necessary and urgent, uh...
after being examined turns out to be a trick of a
'subtle, intelligent, shameless and invisible'
person to deceive many people so that
when hundreds billions of state money taken,
everyone nods their heads in agreement
and that's as it should be?
Isn't this kind of 'mode of extracting state money'
dangerous? What kind of law enforcement can
investigate this kind of problem?
You know, this is policy, friends, and policy
should never be categorized as violating the law.

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  2. 2
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