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Tri Budhi Sastrio
Tri Budhi Sastrio Mohon Tunggu... Scriptores ad Deum glorificamus





Kasidi vs AI (10) - Nonsense and Meaningless

14 Desember 2024   10:10 Diperbarui: 14 Desember 2024   10:10 37
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Nonsense and Meaningless
Tri Budhi Sastrio

This poem is nonsense and meaningless.
Starting from the very beginning up to the less
Only talk about words of frameless and aimless
Nonetheless the flawless is not only in topless
But also in listless, in spotless, and in homeless.

Look at these words my dear! Look at these!
Treeless and cheerless, eyeless and tearless.
No tree no cheer; no eye no tear!
That's what I mean, that's what I mean my dear.

A lot of words are nonsense and meaningless
They are senseless, heartless, and mindless.
Unfortunately, a lot of men are also nonsense and meaningless
They are senseless, they are heartless, they are mindless!

Walking in the shadow moonless night,
Dreaming on the pillow of sleepless bright,
Insulting the humanity of classless right,
And then killing like a heartless krait.

Oh, offsprings of Juno, progenies of Jove!
Why do you give the dope forgetting the hope?


        Giving the title of this poem to the AI Poem Generator, then the following emerges:

In nonsense, we find a twisted grace
A meaninglessness that fills the space
With whispers of a distant truth
That only the mind can prove

In words that dance and dizzy spin
We find a world that's lost within
A realm where sense is cast aside
And nothing's left but emptiness and pride

  1. 1
  2. 2
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