Suka jalan-jalan, menikmati kuliner, suka dengan suasana alam dan tata kota. Bekerja sebagai digital strategy di Pekanbaru, Riau. Kerja part time sebagai owner agency digital marketing yang membantu UMKM dan korporasi.
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Aktivis pendidikan anak|
Mompreneur, Owner Brand Skincare|Batik enterpreneur|
Founder a Preschool and Kindergarten|
Certified Counselling Child and Adolescents|
Certified Early Childhood and Care Education|
Certified Hypnosis and Hypnotherapist|
Certified Professional Fengshui Master|
Certified Tarot Card Reading Masterclass
Concern about Self Development and Poverty. Welcome to My Universe!
From science to digital marketer. I believe that humans do what they think, and think what they believe, let's start changing our thoughts through sentences.