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Thimie KnightDahmer
Thimie KnightDahmer Mohon Tunggu... Tutor - Tentor Bahasa Inggris dan novelist genre Thriller

Saya adalah tentor Bahasa Inggris yang sudah mengajar sejak tahun 2006. Saya lulusan S1 Hukum UII tapi saya memilih untuk membagi pengetahuan saya tentang Bahasa Inggris kepada teman-teman yang belum paham. Sejak tahun 2015 saya tertarik untuk menulis novel dan saya sudah menghasilkan 6 novel yang saya awali dengan genre romance dan sekarang saya memilih menulis genre thriller.




Break In

4 April 2023   14:12 Diperbarui: 4 April 2023   14:28 917
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Saya punya teman dari Amerika sebut saja namanya Nick. Dia adalah seorang dispatcher yang artinya kurang lebih adalah seseorang yang menerima telpon khusus 911.

Suatu hari dia menerima telpon dari seseorang bernama Jordan. Percakapannya dengan Jordan menjadi sebuah percakapan misterius yang kasusnya dibilang on going.

Semua berawal dari Jordan yang menelpon dikarenakan dia melihat rumah tetangganya yang kosong, karena yang empunya rumah sedang pergi ke Texas untuk mengunjungi mertuanya, ada pergerakan disana. Jordan dipercaya sama Joey, yang punya rumah, untuk pegang kunci rumahnya dikarenakan adiknya akan datang untuk menempati rumahnya.

"Hai this is 911, what's the emergency?" sapa Nick ramah dari seberang telpon.

"Hi my name is Jordan Knight, I am calling cause I see there is or are men entering my neighbor house," ucap Jordan dengan nada yang sangat khawatir.

"How'd you know?" tanya Nick penasaran. Yup seorang dispatcher harus mempunyai rasa penasaran yang tinggi.

"Hmmm ... I see there is a little light like a candle I guess, in the Amanda's room," Jordan berusaha menerangkan situasi yang sedang dia hadapi.

"Amanda?" tanya Nick lagi.

"Hmmm ... she is Joey daughter," jawab Jordan.

"Where you at now?" tanya Nick masih dengan rasa penasaran yang besar.

"I am in my second floor. I am alone since me and my wife decided to get divorce and my son, Donnie decided to go with his mom," terang Jordan dengan suara yang tidak terlalu keras.

"Did you see any force entry before?" tanya Nick lagi. Dia berusaha untuk lebih paham dengan situasi yang sedang mereka hadapi.
"No, because I just been to the front yard and my guess is, they entered from the back. Since I don't see anything suspicious at front," jawab Jordan masih dengan suara yang pelan dan masih tetap khawatir.

"Can you see what they do now?" tanya Nick lagi.

"Not quite sure," jawab Jordan dengan nada kurang yakin. Lalu tiba-tiba dengan suara agak sedikit keras Jordan tiba-tiba berkata, "oh shit I see him ..."

"See what Mr. Knight?" tanya Nick penasaran.

"He's walking away from Joey's house, from the back," Jordan berusaha memberi penjelasan. "Oh man ..." lanjutnya.
"Could you describe this person?" tanya Nick dengan penuh tanda tanya.

"Hmm .... Uh ... he dressed all in black. And also wearing hoodie so I can't really clear to see his face," Jordan berusaha memberi penjelasan. "Oh man, this is not good ..." ucapnya lagi.

"Mr. Knight I am going too ..." belum selesai Nick berkata-kata Jordan sudah lebih dahulu mengucapkan sesuatu.

"Hang on I think he is moving to the other house," ucap Jordan dengan sedikit panik. "I don't think it is Danny's house. This is not good, Jesus ... Shit he is breaking in. Yes he is breaking to Danny's house," suaranya terdengar sangat panik. "He lives next to Joey," lanjutnya. "He might be broke his back window, I think that's what I've heard. Shit this is bad. Could you send a police over?" pinta Jordan.

"I will send the local unit and headed to your place asap Mr. Knight," jawab Nick berusaha sedikit menenangkan kliennya. "But in the meantime I want you stay on the line with me," pinta Nick. "And of course keep update me the situation. Could you do that Mr.Knight?"

"Yes of course. I also don't want you to hang up the phone," jawab Jordan dengan nada sedikit agak tenang.

"Mr. Knight, Sir?"

"Yes I am here," jawabnya sambil menarik napas panjang.

"I am sorry to inform you that at this moment we can't send the police over since there is any accident at 405 by Inglewood, as a result of a car crash and there is a pile up. Seven dozen of cars so we've got everyone over there and seems like there is no available unit to come to your place. Now that said ..." Nick berusaha menerangkan bahwa ada kecelakaan yang membuat semua polisi berada di TKP dan belum ada Polisi yang bisa datang ke tempat Jordan.

"What the hell? Are you kidding me? Jesus ..." ucap Jordan tidak percaya dengan apa yang dia dengar. "Is there no one or single Police officer that you can send over here?"

"Like I said Mr. Knight, there is an accident that happened at 405 and it very serious one, so all our men there to ...."

"Okay ... okay ... I try to understand the situation," ucap Jordan masih tidak percaya dengan apa yang dia dengar. "So, now what?"

"I want you to still stay on the line and keep update with the situation. Let me know every move, okay?" pinta Nick pada lelaki yang sedang di landa panic tingkat tinggi.

"Sure, but still we can't let this guy go around freely and robbing all of us?" ucap Jordan dengan sedikit emosi.

"We'll try to see if there any officers that available to go to your place. My colleague will keep me update with that and soon asap we'll send unit to your place Mr.Knight," kalimat yang keluar dari mulut Nick sedikit melegakan Jordan yang masih dalam keadaan panik tingkat tinggi. "Now all I want you to do is quietly lock all your doors ..."

"I already did that," jawab Jordan singkat.

"Good movement," puji Nick dari seberang telpon. "Are you still at your second floor Mr.Knight?"

"Yes I am," jawab Jordan singkat. "In my bedroom," tambahnya.

"We must stay as quite as possible and for sure no light," saran Nick. "And most important, don't bring attention to yourself."

"Okay ..."

"Now can you tell me about Danny's house? Is there any suspicious movement?" tanya Nick mencari tahu apa yang sedang terjadi di rumah Danny.

"I just saw shadows moving around upstairs in the bedroom," jawab Jordan. "It's like someone walking about or someone looking for something or ...." Tiba-tiba terdengar suara tembakan. "Shit what the hell happen?"

"Is that a gun shoot?" tanya Nick panik. "Where they come from?"

"Seems like from Danny's ... but I am not quite sure. I guess there is more than 1 person. Gees ..." ucap Jordan terdengar panic dicampur dengan emosi. "I guess there is someone still stays at Joey's house."

"Look Mr. Knight I want you to stay calm okay?" pinta Nick berusaha menenangkan klien barunya ini. "I will stay with you until everything is clear, okay? Just remind calm. That's the most important thing right now," pinta Nick lagi.

"Alright, I will try," jawab Jordan singkat.

"Could you look out the window, Mr. Knight? If yes tell me what do you see, and remember stay quiet."

"Okay, I will," jawab Jordan masih dengan napas terengah-engah. "I can't see what happen in that house. All the lights are off," ucap Jordan. "No wait the second, there is a light at Danny's house. A small one, like a candle or so," terang Jordan.  "Could it Jon home?"

"Jon?" tanya Nick. Dia harus banyak bertanya untuk menggali informasi sebanyak-banyaknya tentang kejadian yang hanya bisa dia dengar.

"Jonathan is Danny's eldest son," terang Nick. "But far as I know he works in NY ... Could it be him?"

"I don't know Mr. Knight," jawab Nick singkat. "Could you see any movement, from inside the house? Shadows, figures, anything?"

"No ... nothing I don't see anything," Jordan menjawab dengan nada penuh kebingungan. "I kind a see inside a little bit, but ... What about the police? When they'll be arrives?"

"My colleague said there'll be a unit comes to your way shortly."

"Thank you, finally," ucap Jordan dengan nada penuh kelegaan. "When they'll get in here?"

"From the information, they'll get to your place about 15 minutes or so ..."

"What? Are you serious?" tanya Jordan lagi. Kekecewaan terdengar di nada suaranya.

"But don't worry I won't hang up on you. We'll face this together," Nick berusaha menenangkn Jordan.

"Okay, thank you. By the way, may I know your name?" ternyata Jordan juga penasaran dengan nama orang yang sedang bersamanya melalui masa-masa sulit yang sedang dia hadapi.

"Nick, Mr.Knight. Nick Carter," jawab Nick singkat.

"Nice to know you Nick. I wish we can meet up after this," ucap Jordan penuh harap.

Nick di seberang telpon hanya bisa tersenyum. "Sure, why not? Like a cup of coffee?"

"That will be nice," jawab Jordan sedikit lega. "For the Police they must be hurry," pinta Jordan dari ujung telpon.

"I am sure they will Mr.Knight," Nick berusaha meyakinkan Jordan, lelaki yang baru dikenalnya selama 20 menit ini, bahwa ada satu unit polisi sedang berjalan menuju ke rumahnya.

"Yes, glad to know. Wait the second, could you hear that?" tanya Jordan yang juga berusaha meyakinkan dirinya sendiri.

"Hear what Mr.Knight?"

"Listen, be quiet!" titah Jordan dari ujung telpon. "What is that? Sounds not in English," kalimat yang keluar dari mulut Jordan membuat Nick makin penasaran. Apa yang sebenarnya sedang mereka hadapi.

"Could you tell me what are your hearing Mr.Knight?"

"Seems like it come from Danny's house," ucap Jordan dengan nada kurang yakin. "I can't understand with what they saying," ucap Jordan kembali panik.

"I can hear it now too," kalimat yang keluar dari mulut Nick membuat Jordan sedikit lega, setidaknya dia tidak berhalusinasi.

"Seems like there are few voices. This one come from other place," terang Jordan.

"Other voices?"

"Seems like there is other voice from other house," Jordan berusaha meyakinkan dirinya. "You can hear the voice? Seems like it come from there."

"You're right it not even sound like an English," ucap Nick membenarkan pendapat Jordan.

"It sounds like chanting? Right? Like a church or something ..."

"Well ..."

"Hay just listen, be quiet!" Jordan meminta Nick untuk diam.

"This is ... very peculiar," Nick benar-benar di buat penasaran dengan sikon yang ada.

"Something strange happen in here," ucap Jordan dengan nada penuh ketakutan. "I really need help in here man ..." suara yang keluar dari mulut Jordan terdengar sangat ketakutan.

"I understand Mr. Knight. We will try the best we can to provide that," Nick berusaha menguatkan Jordan. "All I want you to do right now is to stay calm for me," pinta Nick.

"Oh shit ... okay," Jordan berusaha untuk tetap tenang.

"What's wrong?" tanya Nick.

"No ... no ... no .." Tiba-tiba Jordan panic.

"Jordan what's going on? Tell me what's up," pinta Nick.

"I think, he saw me ..." kalimat yang Jordan ucapkan mengantung.

"Who ... who saw you?" tanya Nick panik.

"Someone in Joey's house. I looked over at his ... bedroom window and there was someone right there," Jordan terdengar sangat panik. "I think he was staring back right at me. It looked like he was. He must have seen me. No way he didn't see me. He was facing me, my window!" Jordan benar-benar panik sekarang.

"Okay ... okay Jordan, calm down. Don't draw attention to yourself," saran Nick. "You need to be thinking clearly now. Right now I need you to find something that can protect yourself with," pinta Nick. "Like something with long range to avoid close contact," saran Nick pada Jordan. "A baseball bat maybe, whatever you can find."

"I have a baseball bat in my closet, wait up," Jordan lalu berjalan menuju lemari bajunya yang terletak berdekatan dengan kamar mandi.

"Okay, go get it Jordan," pinta Nick. "Now, who knows, if that person really sees you, it doesn't mean you in danger. At this point it just a possibility. But still we need to be prepare," saran Nick.

"Okay, I understand," ucap Jordan. "Now I have my baseball bat."

"Good now. Do you have a hiding place or place that you can hide in your house Jordan?" Nick sekarang merasa khawatir dengan keselamatan Jordan. "Like an attic or something?"

"I have an attic. You think I should go there?" Jordan meminta saran Nick.

"Do you have cellar? If you do, do you get signal to your phone in there?"

"Yes, I have cellar," jawab Jordan cepat. "I won't get any signal there."

"So you must go to the attic," saran Nick pada Jordan.

"Okay. What else do I need?" tanya Jordan pada Nick.

"I think for now that's all," jawab Nick yakin. "We're heading to the attic and stay put. Until the police arrive. Is that okay?"

"Okay, I headed to the attic now," terdengar langkah Jordan menuju loteng.

"Nice, you doing great so far Jordan," Nick memberikan pujian pada sikap Jordan yang cepat tanggap atas situasi darurat yang sedang mereka hadapi.

"Thank you too man. For stick on me for all this time. Don't forget we got an appointment after this," ucap Jordan dengan nada terengah-engah.

"Anytime man. I am here to help," jawab Nick.

"Okay I am here by the attic. I am going in," Jordan memberitahu Nick bahwa dia sudah berada di bawah loteng.

"Good, you should be safe up there," Nick berpikir Jordan akan selamat berada di loteng. "Jordan, I've news for you we able to send two units police officer headed to your place. There'll be in your place about 5 minutes again. Just wait," pinta Nick.

Sayup-sayup terdengar ada suara kaca pecah. "Oh Jesus," ucap Jordan panik.

"Jordan talks to me? What's going on?" Nick meminta keterangan pada Jordan atas suara kaca pecah yang baru saja dia dengar.

 "What's going on? Jordan?"

"They here, they broke my cellar window," ucap Jordan dengan rasa takut yang teramat sangat. "I am in the attic now, they right below me."

"Okay, listen ... listen carefully," pinta Nick pada Jordan. "You have your bat with you right?"

"Huum ..." jawab Jordan singkat.

"They still don't know where you are. Just wish they won't even find you. But still you need to be preparing for the confrontation, okay?" pinta Nick dari seberang telpon.

"Oh God ..."

"If anyone of them come close to you and tries to attack you, you must defend yourself, hit them with the bat, try to knock them out."

"Oh God ..."

"Might know they manage to grab you, if it is come to close contact, you must kick them harder in between the leg, and stick your fingers in their eyes. Do whatever it takes to knock them out. Do you hear me?" titah Nick pada Jordan yang dalam posisi sangat ketakutan. "Don't let them overpower you, okay?"

"Oh Jesus ..."

"Stay calm Jordan, you can do this. You can do this, just be prepare, okay? Can you hear them at all? Are you sure their inside now?"

"Yes their inside, I can hear them ..."

"Where are they now?" tanya Nick.

"They're downstairs. I can hear their footsteps."

"Okay ... okay they down there," Nick mengulangi ucapan Jordan. "Just keep listening let me know what happening, okay? I'll help you as much as possible."

"Why the police here yet?" tanya Jordan dengan nada penuh ketakutan. "What taking them so long?"

"They on their way Jordan," Nick berusaha menenangkan Jordan.

"They coming upstairs."

"Okay Jordan listens to me, from now on we must stay quiet," pinta Nick. "Don't make any noise. I am still here to help you, but you need to stay silent. Starting now," ucap Nick dengan berbisik.

"They here," ucap Jordan dengan berbisik.

"Keep silent," pinta Nick. "Don't speak."

"I need help, please?"

"Jordan don't speak!" titah Nick. "You need to stay quite."

Jordan mulai menangis. "I need help please?"

"Be quiet, they can hear you," pinta Nick dari seberang telpon.

"Please .... Please ...."

Terdengar sangat jelas suara langkah kaki.

"Jordan please you must stay calm. Don't make any noise."

Terdengar suara pintu di banting dengan sangat keras.

"Jordan ... Jordan !"

Jordan menangis dengan sangat keras.

"Jordan tell me what's happening? Jordan talk to me? I can help you ..."

"They're breaking in ..." Jordan menjelaskan apa yang sedang terjadi dengan suara diselingi isak tangis. "They found me ... they found me."

"If they find you, you must fight back. Do you hear me?"

Terdengar suara pintu di banting dan suara Jordan menangis.

"Jordan remember what I've told you! Fight back! Do what it takes to take them down!"

Terdengar suara kaca pecah, gelas pecah, dan kayu berjatuhan.

"They're not people ... they're not people," ucap Jordan pelan.

"What do you saying?" tanya Nick dengan nada penuh kebingungan.

"They're not people ... they're not people."

"Jordan what's going on?" tanya Nick meminta kepastian. Terakhir yang Nick dengar selain suara langkah kaki juga terdengar suara telpon diinjak. "Jordan?"

Polisi tiba di TKP jam 1.15am. Semua rumah yang disebutkan oleh Jordan dalam keadaan kosong. Tidak ada mayat, tidak ada saksi mata. Satu-satunya petunjuk adalah foto-foto yang beredar di internet yang Polisi ambil di dalam rumah Jordan Knight tidak lama setelah kejadian. 

Tapi tetap saja tidak bisa diambil keterangan atas apa yang telah terjadi di daerah tersebut. Kasusnya masih tetap dalam penyelidikan sampai sekarang. Jordan Knight dan Jonathan Wood dinyatakan menghilang.

Apa yang akan kalian lakukan jika kalian adalah seorang dispatcher dan menerima telpon dari seseorang yang berakhir dengan orang itu menghilang tanpa jejak dan kata terakhirnya adalah, "They're not people ..."

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  12. 12
  13. 13
  14. 14
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