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They Call Me Writer
They Call Me Writer Mohon Tunggu...

I'm a writer. Just call me 'Writer'. But FYI, Writer is not my real name. LOL.




I'm Trying...

12 Juli 2011   13:58 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   03:44 64
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Hi. I'm going to write this article in English. Not because I'm proud with my Oh-So-Standard-English, but I'm trying to explore myself better, to know myself better.

Some of people afraid of writing in language they don't really know, like English for Indonesian people who usually write and speak Indonesian. But some of them really have that confidence to write and speak in English. And there is bunch of people who trying to write or speak English even though they know that their English not so good like ME! :D but I'm trying... please don't laugh at me. :$

What is wrong with the phrase "I'm trying"? There is nothing wrong with that phrase, it's okay to be the one who is trying. It's better than whoever not trying and laughing on them who trying.

Well, I don't think many people will read this article, but if you read this and you think that there's something wrong with what I try to do, I mean trying to write this article in English, please comment below and let me know. :)

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