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The Enlightenment of Germany, England, and France in Aufklarung

23 Desember 2019   05:12 Diperbarui: 23 Desember 2019   05:25 19
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The term comes from the German Aufklarung which means "enlightenment", which in English is known as enlightenment. This incident occurred in 1695-1815. At this time humans are optimistic with the ability to create progress that can give a new light, in this case is the advancement of science. Then many emerging philosophical thoughts of Europe.

Aufklarung through the slogan: "Sapere Aude!" Which means "Dare to Think Own", Immanuel Kant, German philosopher asks people to be bolder and are free to use their minds. According to Kant, humans are still not convinced of the ability of his wits to create progress and happiness in the world. If man has not been able to do that, it means a sign that the human being immature.

  1. Enlightenment in Germany

In general, the Enlightenment in Germany is not so hostile attitude toward Christianity as was the case in France. Indeed, people also tried to attack the foundations of faith based on revelation, and replace it with a religion based on the feeling that is pantheistic, but everything was running without the "war" is open.

Which became the center of attention in Germany is ethical. People aspire to change the teaching of morality which is based on the revelation into a morality that is based on the common good, which clearly show the attention to feelings. Since the beginning of philosophy is influenced by the spiritual movement in England and in France. It resulted that the German philosophy does not stand alone.

The pioneering of them is Samuel Pufendorff (1632-1694), Christian Thomasius (1655-1728). But a real leader in the field of philosophy is Christian Wolff (1679- 1754).

People who as if suddenly enhance the Enlightenment was Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Which is a philosopher whose influence on the philosophy of the last two hundred years, both in the West and in the East, is almost universally recognized as the greatest philosopher since Aristotle. Some argue that the philosophy of the last two hundred years is like a footnote to his writings. There is also the opinion of the modern world philosophical system is what Aristotle for the Scholastics: Kant was born in Konigserg, East Prussia, Germany.

In the pre-critical stance he embraced rationalist launched by Wolff et al. However, influenced by David Hume (1711-1776), gradually Kant leave rationalism. He himself said that Hume's what woke him from sleep dogmatic. In the days kriitsnya, Kant radically changed the face of his philosophy.

In their communities, Kant is often the subject of caricature is not fair, such that the daily routine was so rigid that the neighbors set their watches by the arrival and departure each day, but this kind of story might actually reflect the integrity of life lived in accordance with his own ideas if we want to vote positively. when he died, the epitaph on his tombstone simply reads "The Philosopher" a designation that is considered appropriate, taking into account that the period of philosophy that began with Socrates to a large extent, with Kant.

2. Enlightenment in England

In English Enlightenment philosophy expressed by the experts thought that various beliefs. Most experts think that an off than others, but certainly some of the flow of goods.

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