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The First Period Until The End Period Scholastic

23 Desember 2019   01:30 Diperbarui: 23 Desember 2019   01:40 1
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Medieval philosophy commonly called the century of scholastic philosophy. The word is derived from the word meaning Schuler teaching or school. Later the word became a term for the scholastic philosophy at 9-15 centuries which have special features that influenced the philosophy of religion.

To determine the pattern of medieval philosophical thinking, need to understand the characteristics and typical of philosophical thought. Some characteristics that need to understand is:

1) How philosophizing led by the church.

2) Doing Philosophy within the teachings of Aristotle.

3) Doing Philosophy with Augustine's help.

Broadly speaking medieval philosophy is divided into two periods, namely the 

Scholastic Periods of Islam and Christian scholastics.

A. Period of Scholastic Philosophy Islam (Arabic)

The existence of philosophy in this period also marks the glories of the Islamic world, namely during the Abbasid Daula in Baghdad (750-1258) and Daula Amawiyah in Spain (755-7492). According Hasbullah Bakry, Islamic scholastic term rarely used in Khazanah Islamic thought. The term is often used Islamic theology or philosophy. Both of these sciences in the discussion were separated. Islamic scholastic period can be divided into four periods, namely:

1. Kalam First Period

This period is characterized by the emergence of groups mutakallimin / streams in theology, namely:

a. Khawarij

b. Murjiah

c. Qadarites

d. Jabariah

e. Mu'tazila

f. Ahli Sunnah 

The most prominent stream is Mu'tazila led by Wasil ibn Ata and regarded as Islamic rationalism. This flow arises as a response to the challenges that arise in the form of ideologies on the issue of God and man's relationship with God, which is understood tasybih (anthropomorphism), jabariyah (determinism), and the Khawarij (understand theocratic). Mu'tazila answers with the concepts and teachings, namely:

a. Unity of God (al-tawhid)

b. Free will (al-will of god)

c. Justice of God (al-'is)

d. The center position (al-manzilah bain al-manzilatain)

e. Commanding the good and forbidding evil (al-amr bi al-ma'ruf wa al     nahy 'an al-munkar).

2. Period First Philosophy    

Islamic philosophy first period is the period of the rise of Muslim philosophers in the East region, respectively:

a. Al-Kindi (806-873 AD)

b. Al-Razi (865-925 AD)

c. Al-Farabi (870-950 AD)

d. Avicenna (980-1037 AD).

3. Kalam Second Period

This period is characterized by the appearance of kalam important figures and major influence on the development of next theology, among others:

a. Al-Asyi'ari (873-957 AD)

Initially he was pengenut Mu'tazila, but because it is not satisfied with the explanations given by the teacher, Al-Juba'i, finally he came out of Mu'tazila. Flow and pahamnya called Asy'ariyah. In addition to Al-Matudiri Ash'arite well.

b. Al-Ghazali (1065-1111 CE)

He is a Muslim figure that will greatly affect the Islamic world. He holds a "hujjatul Islam" (Islamic fortress).

4. Philosophy Second Period

This period is characterized by the appearance of scholars and experts in various fields who are also interested in philosophy. They are living in a time Daulah Amawiyah in Spain (Europe) at a time when Europe is in a period of darkness. With the emergence of Muslim philosophers in Europe, science and civilization grow and continue to rise. They are:

a. Ibn Bajjah (1100-1138 AD), in the West known Avempace

b. Ibn Tufail (d. 1185 CE), in the West known Abubacer

c. Ibn Rushd (1126-1198 AD), in the West known Averroce

5. Period Revival

This period begins with the awareness and the revival of the Islamic world after the decline minds since the XV century until the XIX century. Therefore, this period is also known as the Islamic Renaissance. Among the influential figures in this period was Jamal Al-Afgani, 

Muhammad Abduh, Rashid Rida, Muhammad Iqbal, and many more.

B. Scholastic Philosophy Christian period

In the history of its development can be divided into three, namely:

1. Preliminary Scholastic Period (Ages 9-12 M)

    This period is thought of medieval revival after the slump. Pre-Greek period due to the strong dominance of the church group. Scholastic initially raised the first time in southern Italy and finally monastery kedaerah- affect other areas. In the schools when it is applied curriculum that includes study mundane or Liberales arts which includes grammar, rhetoric, dialectic (art discussion), arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music.

    At this time the issue of thought that stands out is the relationship between the ratio of the revelation (religion). The relationship between the ratio of the religion is formulated with "Ut In Telligam Credo" (I believe in order to understand). The point is that people who have religious beliefs will better understand everything: God, man, and the world. SoThe most Placed is in the philosophy of religion, but do not deny the ability of the ratio. Universals are common sense, such as humanity, goodness, beauty, and so on.

2. Golden Scholastic Period

Since the mid-12th century works of non-krisriani began to emerge and philosophers of Islam began to take effect. Scholastic heyday lasted from 1200-1300 AD

In general there are several factors that make the scholastic period reached golden, namely:

a. The influence of Aristotle, Ibn Rasyd, Ibn    Sina, since the 12th century until the 13th has grown into a vast science.

b. M was established in 1200 Alma mater University in France. This is the alma mater as an embryo of the establishment    University of Paris, Oxford, and others.

c. The establishment of orders because of the attention to knowledge, giving rise to a strong urge to give a lively atmosphere in the 13th century. The most famous Toktoh    This future is Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas.

3. Scholastic Period End

That period was marked by laziness thinking philosophy, causing stagnation of scholastic philosophy of Christian thought. At this time the most famous figures, namely Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1404 AD). According to him, there are three ways to get to know, namely: through the senses, reason, and intuition. Nicolaus thinking is regarded as an attempt to unite the entire medieval thinking kesuatu wider synthesis. This synthesis leads to thoughts of the future and it implied a humanist thinking.

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