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The Kinds of Axiology

19 Oktober 2019   00:15 Diperbarui: 19 Oktober 2019   00:27 53
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The axiology philosophy of value, the value of which is meant is the value of usability. So axiology is the branch of philosophy that studies the value. Suriasumantri (1990) defines axiology as a theory of value related to the usefulness of the knowledge obtained. Axiology in Indonesian Dictionary (1995) is the usefulness of science to human life, studies on particular ethical values.

There are three characteristics that could recognize the value, value is subjective related, practical, and something that is added to the object (ibid, 141).

subjective        : Value associated with the presence of a human subject. If no man is given a value, a value that will never exist.

Practical          : The value you want to make something like painting, pottery, and others.

objects             :The added value that can be cultural, aesthetic, liabilities, holiness, truth, and others. It could be the same object will have different values for various subjects.

The difference between the value of something that is due to the nature of the value itself. Value is an idea or abstract (not real). Value is not a fact that can be captured by the senses. The behavior of human action or something that has a value that can be captured by the senses because he is not the actual fact. Truth is a matter of logic where the issue of values is a matter of appreciation, feeling, and satisfaction. The theory of value in philosophy refers to the ethical and aesthetic issues.

Ethics              : Ethics also called moral philosophy. In the Indonesian term is defined moral or ethical decency. Nothing defines ethics and morals as theories about human behavior that is both good and bad are still reachable by reason. Morale is an idea about human behavior (good and bad) under certain circumstances.

Aesthetics       : Aesthetics is also called the beauty philosophy (philosophy of beauty), which is derived from the Greek word intuitively or sensation. The word means things that can be perceived by the senses or sensory perception. Aesthetics as part of axiology always talk about problems, questions, and issues of beauty, scope, values, experiences, behavioral thinking artist, art, and matters of aesthetics and art in human life

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